The computer system that controls the doors at the Pulaski County Justice Center will soon have to be replaced.
Caucus Scheduled for Pulaski County Commissioner Vacancy
Pulaski County Council to Consider Additional Appropriations for Circuit, Superior Courts
Arens Field Buildings to be Added to Pulaski County Property Insurance Policy
Pulaski County is hoping to clean up the property insurance policies for various buildings at Arens Field. Last week, the county commissioners decided to add hangars and other buildings to the county’s insurance policy. In return, the airport plans to reimburse the county, by passing the insurance costs on to users.
Pulaski County Commissioners Appoint Members to Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Committee
Pulaski County is taking steps to reduce the impact of future disasters. Earlier this year, Emergency Management Agency Director Sheri Gaillard was informed that it’s time for the county to update its multi-hazard mitigation plan. To do that, a committee is being put together, with representatives from each incorporated town within the county, as well as several county agencies.
Pulaski County Commissioners Revisit 700 South Paving Request
First Group of Federal Inmates Arrive at Pulaski County Jail
The Pulaski County Justice Center is now housing federal inmates. Sheriff Jeff Richwine told the county commissioners Monday that the first 10 arrived last week. Continue reading
Pulaski Commissioners Approve Demolition Bid for Medaryville Blight Elimination Project
Pulaski County Commissioners Deny CAFO Rezoning Request
A new confined hog feeding operation will not be coming to rural Pulaski County. The county commissioners voted Monday to deny a request to rezone a piece of property at 300 South and 700 West from General Agriculture to Intensive Agriculture. That would have allowed for the construction of four wean-to-finish pig production buildings.
CAFO Rezoning Request to be Considered by Pulaski County Commissioners Tonight
The Pulaski County Commissioners are expected to make a decision on a confined animal feeding operation tonight. Back in May, the Pulaski County Advisory Plan Commission recommended that the property at 300 South and 700 West be rezoned from General Agriculture to Intensive Agriculture. That would allow for the construction of four wean-to-finish pig production buildings.
Bud Krohn Jr. Resigns from Pulaski County Board of Commissioners
Pulaski County Commissioner Bud Krohn Jr. has resigned. In a letter filed Wednesday with the Pulaski County Clerk’s Office, Krohn said that due to health issues, he feels he is “unable to give the full effort required to effectively serve as Commissioner.” Continue reading
Pulaski County Commissioners to Consider CAFO Rezoning Request Monday
A decision on a confined animal feeding operation in rural Pulaski County may come as soon as Monday. Back in May, the Pulaski County Advisory Plan Commission recommended that the property at 300 South and 700 West be rezoned from General Agriculture to Intensive Agriculture. That would allow for the construction of four wean-to-finish pig production buildings.
Pulaski County Commissioners Respond to Concerns About Health Insurance Costs
The Pulaski County Commissioners say their decision to keep the same county health insurance provider will not have a negative impact on taxpayers. Earlier this month, the commissioners decided to stay with insurance company Cigna and local agent Dave Bennett, after several county employees said they were happy with their current coverage.
Pulaski County Building Inspector Reports Increase in Permits, in Spite of Fewer Large-Scale Projects
Pulaski County Commissioners Appoint IT Director, Aviation Board Member
Pulaski County Household Hazardous Waste Day Tomorrow
Pulaski County residents can get rid of tires and household hazardous waste tomorrow morning. The Northwest Indiana Solid Waste District is hosting a collection event from 8:00 a.m. to noon at the Pulaski County Recycling and Transfer Station in Winamac.
Elevator Repairs Moving Ahead at Pulaski County Courthouse, Annex Building
Two Pulaski County government buildings should once again have working elevators next week. Continue reading
Future Uncertain for Trash-Filled Medaryville Property
Pulaski County Commissioners to Consider IT Director Appointment, Hear Department Reports
The Pulaski County Commissioners may appoint a new county IT director during this morning’s meeting. They interviewed candidates last month, but decided to hold off on making a choice during their July 3 meeting. Pulaski County’s first full-time IT director, RB Walters, resigned from the position at the end of March.