Tomorrow is Election Day! Polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. local time tomorrow.
Chief Deputy Coroner Position to be Discussed during Pulaski County Commissioners Meeting
The Pulaski County Commissioners will meet tonight in the County Highway Garage. They had planned to move back to the courthouse, but an unexpected delay in the elevator project has led to a change in location.
Monday’s Pulaski County Commissioners Meeting Moved to County Highway Garage
Pulaski County Courthouse Elevator Tentatively Scheduled to Be Ready for Monday, Despite Delays
Pulaski County officials are hopeful that the courthouse’s new elevator will be ready in time for Monday’s county commissioners meeting, in spite of a last-minute hiccup. Maintenance Director Jeff Johnston says a fire alarm issue means the elevator probably won’t be in service by tomorrow, as previously announced. But the contractor says it should still be ready for Monday, according to Johnston. He adds that crews are working diligently to get it done.
Pulaski County Candidates Who Filed Late Financial Reports Have a Chance to Appeal Their Fine
Pulaski County candidates who filed their financial reports after the deadline will have a chance to appeal their fine next month.
State statute stipulates that candidates had to have their campaign finance reports turned into the county clerk’s office by noon on October 19th. Candidates who filed late are charged $50 a day starting at 12:01 p.m. They can be charged a maximum of $1,000. Continue reading
Pulaski County Announces Plan to Address Accessibility, Security at Government Offices
Improvements will soon be coming to Pulaski County’s government offices. During Monday’s county council meeting, Maintenance Supervisor Jeff Johnston announced a plan to improve accessibility, security, efficiency, and usability. “The plan itself is only in the infant stages of development, and there’s a lot of work to do before the completed plan can be presented in its entirety,” he said. Continue reading
Pulaski County Courthouse Elevator to be Ready for Use by End of October
The Pulaski County Courthouse elevator will be ready for use by the end of the month. “The construction will be absolutely complete by the 15th and then two weeks for the inspection,” Maintenance Supervisor Jeff Johnston told the county commissioners Monday. That means that starting in November, the county council and commissioners meetings will be back in the courthouse.
State May Be Looking to Crack Down on Courthouse Security, Judge Tells Pulaski Council
If Pulaski County doesn’t take action to secure its court system, the state may decide to step in. That’s what Circuit Court Judge Michael Shurn told the county council Monday. “The Supreme Court promulgates what we call administrative rules,” he explained. “Security’s always been in the administrative rules. And they had a committee that suggested ‘should’ in some of the stuff. And the board which controls all of the judges sent to the Supreme Court the rule I gave you, which was created by the committee, again, with revisions, and it said ‘It shall,’ not ‘should.’”
Pulaski Courthouse Elevator Replacement On-Schedule, but Slower than Originally Agreed
The replacement of the Pulaski County Courthouse elevator is on track to be complete by its October construction deadline. The problem is that the original legal agreement called for it to be installed by the end of September. The project is part of a larger effort to make the courthouse compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act, after the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit over a lack of accessibility.
Pulaski County Election Board Sets Early Voting Hours for General Election
The Pulaski County Election Board has set early voting hours, ahead of November’s General Election. The early voting period runs from October 10 through November 5. During that time, in-person absentee voting will take place Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. EDT at the Pulaski County Justice Center in Winamac.
New Elevator Car Ready for Installation at Pulaski County Courthouse
Pulaski County Courthouse Elevator Replacement Still On-Schedule, Despite Delays
The replacement of the Pulaski County Courthouse elevator is on track to be complete by its October deadline. Maintenance Supervisor Jeff Johnston told the county commissioners Monday the work had been running far ahead of schedule but then hit a couple snags. “We had to cut part of the brick away from one of the columns, and we had to wait for the structural engineer to get with us to tell us exactly how that had to be done,” Johnston explained. Continue reading
Pulaski Commissioners to Discuss Proposed Wind Turbine Ban, Coroner’s Fees Tonight
A potential ban on wind turbines will be considered by the Pulaski County Commissioners tonight. The county’s advisory plan commission recently recommended banning wind energy convergence systems, over concerns about the safety and welfare of the community, flicker issues, and local fire departments’ ability to provide fire protection to the structures.
Pulaski County Courthouse Elevator Project Ahead of Schedule
The Pulaski County Courthouse’s new elevator may be done ahead of schedule. That’s what Maintenance Supervisor Jeff Johnston told the county council Monday. “If you guys remember, it had a deadline of October, to be complete by the beginning of October,” he explained, “but we’re looking at the middle/end of August to the beginning of September, and we’ll be done. So really good progress there.” Johnston said all the block has been delivered to start building the new shaft.
Pulaski County Commissioners Approve Budget Transfer to Pay Elevator Project Bill
The Pulaski County Commissioners have approved a budget transfer to try to keep the courthouse elevator replacement project on track. They agreed Monday to use nearly $28,000 out of their budget to cover a construction bill, until the county council can finalize an additional appropriation.
Pulaski Council Continues Funding Arrangements for Courthouse Elevator Replacement
Pulaski Council to Consider Written Salary Guidelines, Funding for Courthouse Elevator Replacement
A set of written guidelines on Pulaski County’s pay structure are expected to be approved during tonight’s county council meeting. An 11-page draft document was presented to council members last month, and department heads were given a chance to offer input. The guidelines are designed to clarify a number of issues, including the pay rate for part-time employees and the process of amending the pay structure going forward.
Dog Waste on Pulaski County Properties Causing Headaches for Maintenance Staff
Pulaski County on Track to Save $25,000, After Outsourcing Lawn Care
Outsourcing lawn care appears to be working well for the Pulaski County government. Maintenance Supervisor Jeff Johnston told the county commissioners Monday it’s still a learning experience for both him and contractor TK Lawn Services, but he thinks it will be a good working relationship. “By the end of this year, I’ll have a solid understanding of how much contracting this out has saved the county,” he said, “but at this point, so far, it looks like about $25,000, when you figure all the different things in, from me not needing to replace one person that I lost, to fuel savings and that sort of thing.”
Pulaski County Courthouse Elevator Work Still Ahead of Schedule, Despite Shaft Issue
The Pulaski County Courthouse elevator replacement project remains ahead of schedule, in spite of a few hiccups. Maintenance Supervisor Jeff Johnston told the county commissioners Monday that work was at a standstill, after it was determined the elevator shaft would have to be moved by three inches.