Welter’s Back in the School Board Race, Sports on Hiatus

Harold Welter

Since announcing his withdrawal from the Knox School Board race because of the unwillingness of other candidates to sign a waiver of equal-time rights so he could continue to broadcast ball games on WKVI, Harold Welter has been informed by Starke County Clerk Evelyn Skronski that she was unable to get his name removed from the ballot. WKVI then contacted the FCC and were informed that even though Welter had withdrawn, the equal-time provision would still apply to WKVI because his name will remain on the ballot.

Welter offered the other candidates not to serve if elected in order to get their cooperation, but that offer was also rejected. Therefore, he’s decided that for the first time in 48 years, he will not broadcast sports for the required 60 days before the election.

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Knox School Board to Meet With Consultant Regarding Palmer Wing

Superintendent A.J. Gappa

The Knox Community School Board and the Facility Study Committee have been working on a solution to address the needs at the Palmer Wing at the Knox Elementary School. A recent public meeting was held in which Superintendent A.J. Gappa reported that it was an overwhelming consensus that a new Palmer Wing needs to be constructed.

A construction referendum could be featured in the May Primary Election and the board is in the process of deciding if that’s the route they want to take. Gappa said that the board will be holding a special work session on Sept. 17 in place of their regular meeting to discuss the referendum process with a consultant.

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West Central School Board Reaches Agreement with Teacher’s Assoc.

West Central School Superintendent Charles Mellon

The West Central School Board came to an agreement with the Teacher’s Association last week. Superintendent Charles Mellon said the board reviewed the contract during their recent meeting.

“It’s the extension of a contract that was set for five years,” said Mellon. “We dealt with some insurance benefit increases as well as paying those teachers a stipend that are at the top of the schedule who would not be receiving an increment, so to speak.”

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Shidaker Spotlighted During Knox School Board Meeting

Knox Community School Superintendent A.J. Gappa

The Director of Curriculum and Instruction at the Knox Community School Corporation, Peggy Shidaker, was spotlighted during the school board’s recent meeting for taking part in HealthLinc’s Back to School Health and Wellness Fair. Superintendent A.J. Gappa said Miss Shidaker and a teacher represented the school in highest regards.

“Miss Shidaker attended the Health Fair along with third grade teacher, Shannon Pitts,” explained Gappa. “They represented the school and passed out information to families who were in attendance that would help them improve their wellness and health of not only their student, but their whole family.”

The pair handed out bus safety information, as well as information on peer pressure. Coloring books and activity books were distributed to the younger students. Approximately 80 students came through the school’s booth.

Knox Kindergarten Teachers Meet With Incoming Kindergartners

The kindergarten teachers from the Knox Community School Corporation and Peggy Shidaker, the director of curriculum and instruction, recently visited all of the incoming kindergarten students and their families to welcome them into the school corporation.

Shidaker discusses those visits.

“During those visits, we met the child, we met the parents, we also took materials and distributed some activity books, an activity calendar, a book and a t-shirt donated by IU Health Starke Hospital. All of our kindergarteners are going to show up on that first day of school with a brand-new t-shirt,” said Shidaker.

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Work Session Tonight Regarding Knox Elementary Palmer Wing

Knox Community School Superintendent A.J. Gappa

The Knox Community School Board will hold a work session tonight to discuss the possible Palmer Wing Elementary School construction project.

Superintendent A.J. Gappa says tonight’s meeting is to gather more public opinion on the condition of the Palmer Wing.

“Part of the elementary school is coming up on 60 years old and there’s some work that needs to be done,” said Gappa. “The board feels that it’s time for them to make a decision. They want to go with one more public meeting to get input from the patrons of the community. So, the board has scheduled an open meeting workshop at 6 p.m. and that will be held in the Palmer Wing All-Purpose Room which is at the east end of the elementary school.”

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West Central Confident ISTEP Scores Will Improve

West Central School Superintendent Charles Mellon

The three West Central school principals addressed the school board about the ISTEP scores and Superintendent Charles Mellon indicated that they are confident new strategies will turn around those scores.

“We’re presently analyzing our data that has come back to us so we can see different trends that are taking place,” said Mellon. “We’ll get that information together before we give off-the-cuff answers for our lower scores this year. We will be addressing the board each month this year as to our progress in working our way back to more positive scores next year.”

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Work Session To Be Held Regarding Knox Elementary Palmer Wing

The Knox Community School Board will hold a work session on Wednesday, Aug. 8 at 6 p.m. to discuss the possible elementary facility project.

Residents are encouraged to attend this event and give their opinion on what the board should do with the Palmer Wing of the elementary school. The board has been getting updates from the Elementary Facility Study Committee; Architects Barton, Coe, Villema and financial representatives Umbaugh and Associates, and the groups have been discussing all options available.

The Palmer Wing is deteriorating and can no longer house all of the technology and necessary needs in that section of the elementary school. The board has the options of doing nothing, tearing down the Palmer Wing and building a new structure in its place, or rehabilitating the current structure.

The board will meet in the Knox Community Elementary School All-Purpose Room and will take comments from the public. No action will be taken at this meeting.

High Winds Not Affecting West Central Wind Turbine

West Central School Superintendent Charles Mellon

One might think with yesterday morning’s extremely high winds West Central High School’s wind turbine would have been cranking out quite a bit of electricity. However, contrary to popular belief, Superintendent Charles Mellon explained that while strong winds do allow the wind turbine to produce more energy, winds that are any higher than 25 mph actually don’t produce that much more energy than 25 mph winds.

“People think when you get 40 mph winds we’re really turning it up, but that’s not the case. The meter is set to produce 900 kilowatts a day, when it’s running in full capacity,” Mellon explained.

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North Judson-San Pierre Schools To Endure Hefty Budget Cuts

North Judson-San Pierre Superintendent Lynn Johnson

The North Judson-San Pierre School Board discussed the budget outlook for the next two years and Superintendent Lynn Johnson said the school will take a major budget hit in 2012 and 2013.

“Close to one million dollars,” said Johnson. “One of the things we lost was the restoration grant and the small schools grant. Those two losses did come up to about a million dollars. Of course, it depends on enrollment. If we have an increase in enrollment, of course that will help us. There’s a lot of variables we have to look at, but right now we are looking at decreased revenue and I’m sure we’re not the only school corporation.”

On top of the budget cut, Johnson says they are also suffering from a decrease in enrollment.

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New West Central Elementary Principal Hired

West Central School Superintendent Charles Mellon

The West Central School Board members hired a new Elementary School Principal at their meeting Thursday night. West Central School Superintendent Charles Mellon said he will be a great addition to the staff.

“Daniel Zylstra is our new Elementary Principal. He is coming from the Hammond School Corporation. He was at the meeting to sign his contract so he will be ready to jump in and get things rolling here in the near future,” said Mellon.

Eastern Pulaski School Purchases RISE Software

Dr. Robert Klitzman
Dr. Robert Klitzman

The Eastern Pulaski School Board approved the purchase of software for the RISE evaluation model for teachers and administrators. Superintendent Dr. Robert Klitzman says the company Own It! designed the software that parallels the evaluation requirements.

“The forms, the checklists, the graphs, the details – all of that is right in that software,” said Klitzman. “They can use their iPad, do the evaluation and then as soon as they’re ready with it, they can push the magic button and send that right to the teacher’s computer as well.”

Evaluation models and procedures for teachers and administrators need to be in place in the fall per state mandate. The RISE model uses multiple sources of information to paint a fair, accurate, and comprehensive picture of a teacher’s performance. It also provides information on the most important aspects of teaching: planning, instruction, leadership, and student learning.

Eastern Pulaski Schools Elated Over ISTEP Scores

The ISTEP scores were released yesterday by Indiana State Schools Superintendent Dr. Tony Bennett and Eastern Pulaski School Superintendent Dr. Robert Klitzman says the students did very well on the state standardized test.

“They did absolutely outstanding,” said Klitzman. “In terms of English and Language Arts, these are the percentages of students that passed the state test, third grade 95.4, fourth grade 92.2 and fifth grade 97.8. In Math, third grade 93.8, fourth grade 96.7 and fifth grade 97.8. In our middle school, they did well and they showed good growth.”

And that’s not even the best part!

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Knox High School Graphics Department Receives Flexo Press Machine

The Knox High School Graphic Arts Department has received a flexo press machine to help expand the many programs in that department.

The Mark Andy 830 flexo press comes from Bettylyn Kraft from the Phoenix Challenge. Knox High School is the only school in the state to add a flexo press to the print education program, allowing students to print packaging and other labels.

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No Rest In Sight For The Knox Redskin Brigade

The summer months usually mean a summer vacation for students, but not for the members of the Knox Redskin Brigade. Director Craige Phipps says the marching season and the regular band season is right around the corner.

“We start full-bore at the end of July and run through the end of May,” said Phipps. “We really do try and give them as much time as we can, but even with that, there’s things that need to be done through the summer.”

Phipps said the staff talked about what type of show to do this year and the music from “Cirque du Soleil”came up in conversation. He explains the show’s concept from there.

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Knox School Officials Learn About New Superintendent Evaluation Model

Knox Community School Superintendent A.J. Gappa

Superintendent A.J. Gappa and three members of the Knox Community School Board recently attended a training session in Gary concerning the new superintendent evaluation model.

“According to the new law, it has to be implemented during the 2012 to 2013 school year,” said Gappa. “By the middle of September, we have to have an evaluation tool submitted to the State. We thought it was a valuable information session. It was information that we will need to proceed in that area.”

The session was facilitated by members of the Indiana School Boards Association.

The administration evaluation is a lot like the new RISE teacher evaluation which looks at a teacher’s professional practice and measures student learning.

Free Lunch Available At North Judson-San Pierre Schools

North Judson-San Pierre Superintendent Lynn Johnson

The USDA Summer Food Service Program is in full force at the North Judson-San Pierre Schools. Superintendent Lynn Johnson encourages you to eat at the school – for free.

“Any student under the age of 18 can come and eat and there is no cost at all,” said Johnson. “I would encourage families, whether or not they fall under the guidelines of free and reduced lunch, it is open to every student, or every child, under the age of 18.”

The USDA Summer Food Service program continues through July 22. Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:15 a.m. CT and lunch is served from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. CT in the North Judson-San Pierre Elementary School. Meals are free for those aged 18 years and younger. Adults may eat lunch for $2.

Most of the schools in our listening area are participating in this program. Free breakfast and lunch are available at most sites.

Knox School Lunch Prices To Increase Slightly

Knox Community School Superintendent A.J. Gappa

The Knox Community School Board approved an increase in breakfast and lunch prices for the 2012-2013 school year. Superintendent A.J. Gappa says a nickel increase will be incurred across the board.

“Breakfast at all schools will be $1.15 this coming school year,” explained Gappa. “Elementary lunch will be $1.75 and the middle and high school lunches will be $2. Those have all increased a nickel from last year.”

Slight Rise In Lunch Prices At North Judson-San Pierre Schools

North Judson-San Pierre Superintendent Lynn Johnson

The North Judson-San Pierre School Board approved an increase in the school lunch prices for this coming school year, but Superintendent Lynn Johnson said it was a small increase.

“We do see some slight increases and they are minimal as far as lunch prices,” said Johnson. “We have been behind with our increases and we’re trying to catch up just a bit. It’s just a slight increase.”

The prices are going up due to the inflation in the cost of food and a new diet guideline from the state.

“We are trying to get much healthier choices and the cost of food does increase over time. We do try to keep those at a minimum. Parents and families with multiple children know it’s an expense. We do try and keep that down as much as we can.”

Knox School Board Receives Update Regarding Possible Palmer Wing Project

Knox Community School Superintendent A.J. Gappa

Knox Community School Superintendent A.J. Gappa gave an update on the Facility Study Committee during the school board’s recent meeting. The committee will be looking at financing options and which direction to go with a possible project at the Palmer Wing of the Knox Elementary School.

“We’re going to try and meet with Curt Pletcher from Umbaugh and Associates in the next week with our committee of three of our board members to discuss how to proceed further with a possible elementary project,” said Gappa. “We’ve been giving reports on a meeting-by-meeting basis just to keep the public and the board informed. This is our next step.”