The West Central High School football field will be getting a new scoreboard at no cost to the school.
Continue readingThe West Central High School football field will be getting a new scoreboard at no cost to the school.
Continue readingThe staff is set for the start of the school year at the West Central School Corporation.
Continue readingThe West Central School Board members took action Thursday night to hire a new elementary school principal.
Continue readingWest Central School Superintendent Don Street will be taking over as the superintendent at the Kankakee Valley School Corporation.
Continue readingTwo major maintenance projects are planned for this summer at the West Central School Corporation, according to Superintendent Don Street.
Continue readingCurrent state budget discussions could mean less money coming into the West Central School Corporation.
Continue readingThe West Central School Board members are attempting to free up more time for guidance counselors to spend more time focusing on students rather than state reports and other responsibilities that take away from the students. In fact, they approved the implementation of a Data Test Coordinator position for the 2019-2020 school year.
Continue readingStudents in the West Central School Corporation will be going to school on the built-in snow days built into the school calendar.
Continue readingIndiana’s 2018 graduation rates were released by the Department of Education Wednesday. Of Starke County’s school corporations, Knox had the highest total graduation rate at 98.6 percent, while Oregon-Davis had the lowest at 80 percent.
Continue readingA program to help children stay safe from potential predators is returning to Eastern Pulaski Schools next week. Retired Police Sergeant Terry Hall will be giving his Body Safety presentations.
Continue readingThe wind turbine on the campus at the West Central School Corporation was down recently as NIPSCO officials were doing work at the substation, as reported to the West Central School Board by Superintendent Don Street.
The West Central School Corporation received the budget notice back from the state which was discussed by the school board last week.
West Central School Corporation students will be part of a body safety presentation on Nov. 13.
The West Central building principals presented the school improvement plans to the school board members last week.
The work done over the summer to complete the secure entrance and utilization of space projects at the West Central School Corporation are nearly complete. Superintendent Don Street said Adam Weesner from architecture and engineering firm Barton Coe Villamaa updated the school board on Thursday night.
Students return to school today at the West Central School Corporation.
With the Pulaski County Commissioners contemplating the proper wording to include in the county’s Unified Development Ordinance that would essentially ban wind turbines in the county, the operating singular wind turbine at the West Central School Corporation has been a positive aspect for the corporation, according to Superintendent Don Street.
The security and utilization of space projects are nearly complete at the West Central School Corporation.