Knox City Council Finalizes Building Violation Fines

A new set of fines for building violations has been finalized by the Knox City Council. Residential properties found to be in violation will now get an initial $100 fine, plus another $300 if the issue hasn’t been corrected and the fine hasn’t been paid within 30 days – and another $500 for every month after that. Fines at commercial properties range from $100 to $300 per day, depending on how long it takes to correct the problems.

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Hamlet Getting More Streetlights

More streetlights are coming to Starke Street in Hamlet. A total of eight lights have been ordered. As of the last town council meeting, officials had finalized their placement plans and were preparing for their installation. Six were to be placed along the sidewalk on the north end of Starke Street. The other two would go next to the benches in front of the Town Hall.

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Pulaski Memorial Hospital Discontinues COVID-19 Hotline

Pulaski Memorial Hospital has ended its dedicated COVID-19 hotline. Those with coronavirus questions are now directed to call their primary care provider instead. Hospital officials say that those who may have COVID-19 symptoms or have come into contact with someone who’s tested positive can make an appointment with one of the hospital’s providers by calling 574-946-2194.

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Pulaski Commissioners to Consider Building Fee Adjustments, Health Insurance, Bridge Bid

Pulaski County Commissioners: Mike McClure, Jerry Locke, Kenny Becker

An adjustment to Pulaski County’s building department fees will be discussed by the county commissioners tonight. Building Inspector and Plan Administrator Doug Hoover is expected to present a recommendation from the advisory plan commission. Meanwhile, a plan to once again go after unpaid EMS bills will be discussed by EMS Director Brandon DeLorenzo.

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North Judson Buys 205 and 207 Lane Street for Potential Residential, Retail Development

Picture Source: Town of North Judson FB Page

The Town of North Judson is taking steps to potentially redevelop a downtown property. A resolution to purchase the vacant lot at 205 and 207 Lane Street was recently passed by the town council. That’s where a building partially collapsed back in 2017, disrupting the downtown area for months until the town was able to complete the demolition.

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