The Food Finders Food Bank Mobile Pantry is Scheduled to Stop in Pulaski County this Friday

Food Finders Food Bank Mobile Pantry will be making a stop in Winamac this week. This Friday, starting at 11 a.m. ET the mobile food bank will at the Pulaski County Highway Garage supplying groceries to individuals in need.

The food will be distributed on a first come first serve basis. Patrons are encouraged to bring along a laundry basket, box or something else to carry away food since the pantry does not supply containers. Some of the items that will be available include frozen meats, cereal, vegetables, baked goods and beverages.

No smoking, swearing or obscene gestures are allowed on the premises. Fighting and aggressive behavior will not be tolerated. Individuals are only allowed to go through the line once and people are asked to leave the site once they’ve received their food items.

Income guidelines provided by FFFB are listed below: Continue reading

North Judson Residents Encouraged to Help Secure Competitive Grant for Water System Improvements

A public hearing was held over a $550,000 OCRA wastewater/drinking water grant during last week’s North Judson Town Council meeting.

Executive Director of Kankakee-Iroquois Regional Planning Commission Edwin Buswell provided some information about the proposed Office of Community and Rural Affairs grant, explaining that it will be utilized for various water system improvements. He said the local match of $1,268,000 would come from the state revolving loan fund.

One individual asked about the potential impact this could have on taxes. Buswell replied that he believes the rate increase that was implemented earlier this year would cover the cost and no additional increases will be necessary. Continue reading

Knox City Police Department Hiring Police Officer


Knox City Police Chief Harold Smith is looking to hire a new full-time officer for the department.

Officer Chad Dulin reported to the Knox Board of Public Works on Wednesday that Detective Dave Combs submitted his resignation in November after serving 11 years with the department. He served the Starke County Sheriff’s Department for several years as well. He is now the Town Marshal for the Town of Medaryville.

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Koontz Lake Conservancy District Officials Looking to Clean up Koontz Lake


The Koontz Lake Conservancy District members are looking to improve conditions in Koontz Lake.

Representative Matt Wolfe told the Starke County Commissioners last week that they are looking into watershed management by controlling water runoff from farmland, golf courses and residences into the lake. This will help curb the weeds and algae that are killing native plants in the lake. District members will discuss ditch maintenance with County Surveyor Bill Crase.

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Culver Town Council to Hold Two Work Sessions, Regular Meeting Tonight

The Culver Town Council members will take part in two work sessions prior to their regular business meeting tonight.

At 5 p.m. ET, the members will discuss the salary ordinance and at 5:30 p.m. ET they will review possible changes to the traffic ordinance to include semi-trailer parking, speed control and pedestrian crossing. The public is invited to attend these work sessions.

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Winamac Town Council to Hold Public Hearing Tonight on Proposed Wastewater Plant Upgrades

Winamac residents will have the chance to weigh in on proposed upgrades to the town’s wastewater plant during a public hearing tonight. The town plans to apply to the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs for $700,000 in federal funding. That money would help pay for work at the wastewater plant to help with ammonia removal, according to Town Manager Brad Zellers.

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NJSP School Board Held Work Session Over Proposed Graduation Requirements

The North Judson-San Pierre school board held a work session last week to discuss proposed changes to graduation requirements and accountability grades. These changes would not only impact NJSP, but all Indiana public schools.

Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin clarified that some things are still not set in stone but she wanted the board to meet to go over some of the issues that could arise from these educational adjustments at the national and state level.

There were quite a few topics that were discussed but a potential change causing major concerns is the different graduation requirements that are being proposed. With the adjustment, schools could no longer accept any diploma less than a Core 40. Continue reading

Oregon-Davis Receives Title IV Grant to Boost STEM Education

Oregon-Davis Schools’ STEM education efforts are getting a boost, thanks to a grant for $51,500. That’s according to Superintendent Dr. Don Harman. “We were one of 82 school districts in the State of Indiana that received a Title IV grant from the state,” says Superintendent Dr. Don Harman, “which will be utilized for professional development to increase our teachers’ instructional capacity in the area of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.”

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Knox City Council Meets Tonight

The Knox City Council members are anticipating an update from a representative with the Starke County Economic Development Foundation when they meet tonight.

The agenda for tonight’s meeting is pretty light but Mayor Dennis Estok said during his report he will touch on a few items that have been discussed in the past such as the city’s contract with the humane society and the new bulb installation on Main Street.

Mayor Estok said he’ll also be talking to the council members about the renewal of the Parks and Recreation Department 5-year Master Plan. Continue reading

Culver FFA President Provides Presentation to School Board Members

The Culver Community School Board received a presentation from FFA President Alex Temme who told them all about Culver’s involvement in this year’s National FFA Conference.

FFA members were able to watch the rodeo there as well as exhibit some of their agricultural skills. Superintendent Karen Shuman said that Culver students experienced some success with their soil judging presentations, getting ranked as one of the top ten teams to compete. Continue reading

SYSCO Property Still on Market, Stelrema Building Sold

The SYSCO property in Hamlet is still up for sale.

Starke County Economic Development Foundation Director Charlie Weaver told the Starke County Council members last week there are some issues with the broker and he’s written a letter to the business to address needs on the property that should be done. Weaver told the county council last week that he’s shown the property a few times and he’s willing to show it in order to bring tax dollars into the county and put people to work. The broker has not shown the property to Weaver’s knowledge, but he calls on progress every week. Continue reading

Knox Downtown Business Owner to Make Repairs to Building

The owner of two storefronts in downtown Knox will be making repairs to the building, as ordered by the members of the Knox Board of Public Works.

A public hearing on the matter was held on Wednesday morning as the owner, Pete Milev, has failed to repair any of the issues cited by Knox Planning Administrator and Director of Building and Code Compliance Kenny Pfost. Pfost said the buildings at 1 and 3 N. Main Street have several major issues including brick falling out of the exterior walls, missing mortar in other exterior bricks, an unsafe door leading to the basement of the building in the sidewalk, boarded up windows, an old sign that needs removed, drywall that is replacing two windows above the front door, and many interior code violations. Continue reading

North Judson Clerk-Treasurer Settles Purchase Order Uncertainty

The North Judson Town Council members previously refrained from acting on a purchase order from the Starke County Economic Development Foundation until they could acquire more information about the charge.

At their town council meeting last week Clerk-Treasurer Andrew Rowe elaborated on the existing contract between the two entities.

Mr. Rowe explained that in the agreement for planning and implementing economic development programs, it states that the town will pay twenty percent of the tax revenue they receive from the economic development tax in two yearly payments. Continue reading

Construction Administrator Provides Project Updates to North Judson-San Pierre School Board

When the North Judson-San Pierre School Board met last week they received a project report from Edward Sawa, the construction administrator of Fanning Howey.

Sawa has been working closely with Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin and Maintenance Director Wilbur Collins to determine the specifics of current capital projects. Last Tuesday Sawa informed board members of some the key preliminary findings from some onsite investigations.

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