Culver Town Council Finalizes 2019 Salary Ordinance, Town Manager Contract

culver town hall

The Culver Town Council gave its final approval to the town’s 2019 salary ordinance Tuesday. It was previously explained that the ordinance includes a 50-cent increase for all hourly employees, as well as an incentive for street, water, or wastewater employees who earn certifications. It also outlines how town employees who serve on the fire department will be compensated for responding to calls during business hours.

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Culver Police Chief Voices Concern with Allowing Alcohol in Beach Lodge

The idea of allowing alcoholic beverages in the Culver Beach Lodge during private events drew a mixed reaction during a public input session held by the town council Tuesday. Such a move might make it easier to hold weddings at the new Damore Amphitheater, followed by a reception in the Beach Lodge. The town is looking at putting policies in place that would allow people to rent the amphitheater, including potential fees and guidelines.

Police Chief Wayne Bean said he didn’t think that allowing alcohol would be a good idea in the long-term. He was skeptical that beverages would always stay inside the building. He also said that he’d been to almost all current wrestling shows taking place and that beverages never really were a good thing. He was also worried that it may lead to individuals bringing their own drinks to the park outside of permitted events. Another resident felt that allowing alcohol would be bad for the town’s image and questioned whether the decision would sacrifice the town’s park facilities for the chance at bringing in more money through facility rentals.

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Culver Council Extends Contract with Maxinkuckee Yacht Club for Sailing Lessons

Lake Maxinkuckee beach in Culver

The Maxinkuckee Yacht Club will be able to continue its kids’ sailing lessons at the Culver Beach, but further contract negotiations are expected in the coming months. The town council last week voted to extend its current agreement with the yacht club through the end of January. For the past four summers, the group has been using the beach to host Saturday morning sailing lessons, along with four-day sailing camps.

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Culver Town Council Reviews Planned Community Crossings Road Projects

The Culver Town Council is moving ahead with this year’s Community Crossings grant application. Town Manager Jonathan Leist told council members Tuesday the town is looking to finish a couple road projects that were originally planned for last year: Lake Shore Drive from Lakeview to Main, including sidewalk repairs, and Clover Street from White to Clymax.

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Public Hearing Scheduled Over Culver’s Proposed Switch to Primary Election System

Culver residents will soon have the chance to weigh in on how candidates are nominated for elected town offices. The town council Tuesday continued discussing the possibility of letting voters choose candidates for council seats and the clerk-treasurer’s position during the May primary, according to Clerk-Treasurer Karen Heim. Under the current system, parties choose their candidates during a town convention.

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Lieutenant Governor Visits Culver’s Sand Hill Farms Housing Development

Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch and Sand Hill Farms Developer Kevin Berger

Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch got an update on the progress of Culver’s Sand Hill Farms workforce housing development Thursday. Developer Kevin Berger gave the lieutenant governor and several town officials a tour of the construction site. “We have a lot of part-time residents here, and it has just kind of pushed out the workforce,” Berger told Crouch. “Our biggest employer for workers is Elkay cabinet manufacturing, and less than 50 percent of their 300-plus workers even live in Marshall County.”

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Culver Officials Discuss Improving Internet Capabilities in Town

Improving internet access for residents and businesses owners in Culver is a project that town officials are looking into. Perhaps sites like compare ultimate business broadband might be of great help.

The Culver Redevelopment Commission recently met with representatives from Marshall County Fiber LLC about the possibility of installing fiber optic cable to improve access to the internet in the area.

At the last town council meeting, CRC member Rich West shared that the Redevelopment Commission has been working on finding a good fit for Culver for several years and noted that it is an issue that needs to be addressed. Continue reading

Culver-Union Township Fire Chief Asks About Adding Town Employees to the Fire Department

Culver-Union Township Fire Chief Terry Wakefield came before the Culver Town Council in May to ask members if there was an existing policy about hiring town employees as volunteer firefighters.

Chief Wakefield explained that being a town employee is one factor that makes someone eligible to work on the fire department. However, he said that the current salary ordinance is keeping him from hiring anyone on, despite the fact that there are a few people who completed the necessary testing and would be able to assist with in-town fires during the day. Continue reading

Culver-Union Township EMS Gains New Employee, Prospective Buyer Looks at Ambulance

Culver-Union Township EMS gained a new employee after town council members approved a hiring request from EMS Director Kathy Hart at their final meeting in May.

Director Hart asked the council to consider hiring Stephen Kobitz as fulltime employee. Council President Ginny Bess Munroe asked the director to state the rate for the record. She said that the new hire would be making $16 per hour and would be required to work 36 hours per week. Continue reading

Dual-Generational Playground Equipment Idea Presented to Culver Town Council

Three students from Culver Academies presented town officials with a project idea during the last town council meeting in May.

One of the students, Alan Yang, told council members that after discussing the importance of responsible citizenship in one of their classes, the students brainstormed some ideas of ways they could assist the community.

Yang said they decided to do something at the park since that is an area that is utilized by individuals of all ages and it is one of the major focal points of town. Continue reading

Culver Town Council Approves Donation for St. Joseph Regional Medical EMS Fund Raiser

Culver Town Council members considered making a donation to the St. Joseph Regional Medical Center EMS Fundraiser when they met last Tuesday.

EMS Director Kathy Hart explained that there are a few pieces of equipment that the hospital is interested in purchasing.

She said nothing is finalized but they’re looking to laptops for the rigs as well as an automatic chest compression device. Continue reading

Culver Town Council Establishes Special Summer Schedule for Town Employees

Special summer hours have been established for Culver Town Hall and town officials will be trying out a new summer hour schedule as well.

During the summer season, Culver Town Hall will be open to the public from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. At last week’s Culver Town Council meeting, a new employee schedule was proposed.

President Ginny Bess Munroe said she collaborated with Clerk-Treasurer Karen Heim and Town Manager Jonathan Leist about a “morale-boosting” schedule that will give employees a chance to enjoy their summer. Continue reading

Culver Town Council Holds Second Reading Over PUD Rezoning Ordinance, Additions to Developer’s Agreement Discussed

The property for a potential Planned Unit Development in Culver is one step closer to being rezoned, after Tuesday night’s Town Council meeting.

Council members held the second reading over the ordinance that would rezone the parcels located on State Road 17 and State Road 10, where developer Thomas Beste has proposed the construction the Culver Meadows housing development as well as gas station.

Town Council President Ginny Bess Munroe said that she spoke with Beste about adding a few things in the developer’s agreement to make sure a few of plans that have been discussed will be spelled out in the document. Continue reading