Efforts to bring vote centers to Starke County continue. A proposed vote center plan failed to get the required unanimous vote from the county election board on four separate occasions. But there’s still a chance a plan could be implemented in time for the May primary, according to Deputy Clerk Colleen Hodge.
Continue readingOutgoing Knox Clerk-Treasurer Prepares Office for Successor
Knox Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston recently informed officials that he’s taking steps to make sure everything is up-to-date before he leaves the position in 2020.
Continue readingDave Kesvormas Named Starke County Republican Party Chair
The Starke County Republican Party has new leadership. Dave Kesvormas was formally selected as the party chair during a caucus Tuesday, following the resignation of Brenda Stanojevic. Kesvormas says he was the only one to express interest in the position.
Continue readingPerception Concerns Prompt Staffing Adjustments during Starke County’s Early Voting Hours
The Starke County Clerk’s Office is working to address some perception issues, stemming from the fact that the county’s election clerk is also on next month’s ballot. Colleen Hodge is one of two Democrats running for Knox clerk-treasurer.
Continue readingStarke County Democrats Choose New County Treasurer, Party Chairperson
A former Starke County auditor will be taking over as county treasurer. Kay Chaffins was selected during a Democratic Party caucus Thursday to fill the remainder of Kasey Clark’s term.
Continue readingMunicipal Primary Election Candidate Filing Begins Today
Candidates wishing to file for office for this year’s Municipal Election cycle can do so in the county clerk’s office in Starke County and Pulaski County today.
Continue readingLetters of Interest for the Open Knox City Council Seat Must be Submitted by Tomorrow
Time is running out to apply for the open seat on the Knox City Council. Individuals who reside in District 4 and are registered Democrats have until Friday to submit their letter of interest for consideration. Any letters that come in after the deadline will not be eligible
Letters must be delivered to Starke County Democrat Chairman Kenny Wallace. They can be sent by mail to his Knox residence located at 5175 East 200 South. Continue reading
Candidates Begin Filing for 2018 Elections
The first day of candidate filing ended with a few contested races in Starke County. District 2 County Commissioner Don Binkley has filed to run for reelection. He faces opposition from county council member Bryan Cavender. Meanwhile, Dale Conley and Howard A. Bailey Jr. have both filed for the County Council District 2 seat.
SCEDF Helps Knox Officials Get to the Bottom of a CEDIT Account Deficit
Starke County Economic Development Foundation Executive Director Charlie Weaver spoke with Knox City Council members about an estimated deficit in the city’s CEDIT account at their meeting last Tuesday.
Back in October, Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston mentioned that he received a notification from the Department of Local Government Finance indicating that there would be a projected loss of revenue of $34,908 for next year. He told members that sometimes those figures can be off but also assured them that the SCEDF was working with representatives from Umbaugh to get to the bottom of it.
At the most recent council meeting, Weaver informed members that after speaking with the city’s financial advisor Todd Samuelson of Umbaugh and Associates, he had a better understanding of why next year’s numbers are lower than the figures from 2017. Continue reading
Changes to City Employee Payroll Discussed During Knox City Council Meeting
On Tuesday evening, Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston alerted Knox City Council members that he received a notification from the state about the way the city of Knox administers payroll to city employees. Continue reading
Knox City Council Meets Tonight
No specific action or discussion items are listed on the agenda for the Knox City Council meeting being held tonight at 7 p.m. in Knox City Hall.
The council will hear reports from Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston and Mayor Dennis Estok. There will be time allotted toward the end of the meeting for citizen’s comments and council items.
In recent meetings, council items included the potential striping of Culver Road and an ordinance pertaining to parking downtown. There is a possibility these items will be revisited tonight but they are not specifically listed on the agenda.
Fire Protection Agreements Approved by Knox City Council
The 2018 fire protection agreements between the City of Knox and Center and Jackson Townships were up for approval at the Knox City Council meeting Tuesday evening.
Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston stated that the proposed agreements are essentially the same as past years except they did one year rather than two year agreements this year. He said that decision was made because an election will be coming up and incoming groups can not be legally bound to an agreement. Continue reading
Knox City Council 2018 Salary Ordinance includes 3% Pay Increase, Raise for Part-time Police
The Knox City Council held the first reading of the 2018 salary ordinance during their meeting Tuesday evening. A three percent increase is being proposed across the board, with the exception of part-time police, which had a specific raise amount recommend by the Chief of Police.
Mayor Dennis Estok explained the three percent increase is being proposed across the board because of a recent insurance policy change. Continue reading
Knox Readies Funding for Splash Pad
The City of Knox is making sure it has funds ready for the city’s splash pad project. The City Council had approved spending up to $150,000 for the project back in January. Continue reading
Knox Utility Rate Hikes Approved
Water and sewer rate increases received the final approval of the Knox City Council Tuesday. That was in spite of the continued opposition of council member Tim Manns. Continue reading
Knox Mayor, Officials Take Oath of Office
The newly-elected mayor of the City of Knox took his oath of office Wednesday. Dennis Estok was sworn in for another term as mayor. Continue reading
Knox Officials to be Sworn In Tonight
New and returning City of Knox elected officials will be sworn in this evening. Members of the public are invited to the 5:30 p.m. ceremony at the Nancy J. Dembowski Community Center. Continue reading
Knox Adopts Online Billing System
The City of Knox is giving residents more options for paying their bills. Continue reading
Knox City Council Discusses Community Center Modifications
During the Tuesday evening Knox City Council meeting revisions to the Community Center were considered. New thermostats will be put in place to help reduce heating and cooling costs. There was also some discussion about replacing the current roof with a metal one. Continue reading
Final Salary Ordinance Approval on Knox Council Agenda
The Knox City Council has a meeting scheduled for tonight at 7 pm in City Hall. The Council will have their final reading of the 2016 Salary Ordinance. Treasurer Jeff Houston said this is in preparation for an upcoming budget hearing, “We have a budget meeting with the field representative from the Department of Local Government Finance on the 27th of July.” he said. Continue reading