Knox Incoming Third Graders Receive Summer Packet

The Knox third grade teachers sent home a special packet with next year’s incoming third graders to help keep them reading during their summer break. Director of Curriculum and Instruction Peggy Shidaker explained that these packets contain fun activities for students.

“They sent home a little bag that says ‘I Read, Therefore I Succeed,’” explained Shidaker. “Every second grader, 153 of these students, last week carried home this bag and in this bag there was a letter to their parents explaining the entire program. Through the collaboration of our third grade teachers, they filled this bag with fun activities for our students to do in both reading and math.”

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Knox School Board Receives Facilities Study Update

Knox Community School Superintendent, A.J. Gappa

The Knox Community School Board members met Monday night where Superintendent A.J. Gappa gave the members a facilities study update.

“As far as the elementary school is concerned, we’re just moving forward,” stated Gappa. “I met with Dana Wanamaker, architect with Barton, Coe Vilamaa, just to give us some estimates on general figures as to what it might be for renovation versus building a new wing. We don’t have any figures on that yet. I anticipate meeting with Curt Pletcher from Umbaugh and Associates, the financial people, because we want to pin it down to be able to tell people, if we need to do something, how much it’s going to affect each individual person.”

Gappa also said the board has some high hopes for their welding program.

“We’re optimistic and moving forward with getting a welding program going, which would be located at the southwest corner of the middle school where the old wood shop used to be,” said Gappa. “I believe that will move forward even very soon. Probably within the next month, we will have work going on to convert that room.”

Knox High School Honor Day Program Held Friday

Knox High School Top Ten

The Knox High School Honor Day program was held Friday, May 18th.

Approximately $318,000 in scholarships were distributed to the graduating seniors. The Ben Bowen Award recipient was Elliott Coad, Hannah Folkers won the Bonnie Taylor Award and Shelby Gilbert and Logan Short were named winners of the Robert Hanselman Award. Some other notable scholarship winners were Sierra Brooke of the Roger Laramore Scholarship, Chelsea Whitcraft won the George W. Burkett Scholarship and Thomas Clem won the C. Slisher Scholarship.

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Knox Swim Coach Resigns Following Alleged Inappropriate Behavior

Robert "Ryan" Corbin

After previously being suspended with pay, Robert “Ryan” Corbin filed his resignation with the Knox School Board, who approved it at their recent meeting. Corbin, a Knox High School gym teacher and boys and girls varsity swim coach, was suspended after being accused of inappropriate behavior with a 16-year-old student.

Police had previously interviewed both the student and Corbin and they both allegedly admitted to having conversations with each other. Inappropriate Facebook messages were sent, and conversations were also held via telephone and texting.

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Three Area Schools to Participate in USDA Summer Food Program

The Knox and Oregon-Davis Schools have announced that they will be participating in the USDA Summer Food Program, and now Culver Community Schools will also offer free breakfast and lunch to any child age 18 and younger.

This is the third year that the school will be offering this program and six sites will be offering free food. For a list of the locations, click here. Culver High School will be offering breakfast from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. ET from June 4 through the 29 and from July 9 to July 16 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Breakfast and lunch will be served at the Culver Elementary School from June 4 to August 10. Breakfast is from 7:45-8:30 a.m. and lunch is from noon to 12:30 p.m. ET.

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Spotlight on Success Features Fifth Grade Teacher

Knox Community School Superintendent, A.J. Gappa

The Spotlight on Success portion of the Knox Community School Board meeting featured fifth grade teacher Corey Bucher, who talked about a recent “Natural Disasters in Science” field trip to the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. Superintendent A.J. Gappa summed up the presentation.

“Mr. Bucher also had two students, Kaitlyn Lindberg and Kevin Lovins, to show the reports that they had done and they reported to the board,” said Mr. Gappa. “They talked about their trip and Mr. Bucher was extremely happy that they were allowed to go and talk about all of the positive things that came out of the trip that the fifth grade took to Chicago.”

Knox Community Schools Undergo Bus Inspection

Knox Community School Superintendent A.J. Gappa gave a report to the school board about the recent bus inspection. He says the state police have changed the procedure in inspecting buses.

“In the past, they used to do in the summer and we had weeks to prepare our buses. Now, because the state has cut back on the number of troopers that do the inspections, they have to do them throughout the year,” said Gappa.

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Library Expansion Project To Include Driveway Connection To Elementary School

Henry F. Schricker Library

Representatives from the Starke County Public Library approached the Knox Community School Board members Monday night to discuss their upcoming expansion project. Superintendent A.J. Gappa explained that the library’s property is just north of the Knox Elementary School property and part of their project involves the school.

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Knox High School Football Team to Host Relay For Life Dodgeball Tournament

“If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!” That advice will come in handy at the Inaugural Starke County Dodgeball Tournament, hosted by the Knox High School football team. All proceeds from the event will be donated to the Relay for Life Foundation.

Brady Jones of the high school organized the event, and he told WKVI that he chose to benefit the Relay for Life Foundation to give back to the community with the help of the Knox football team.

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Knox Schools to Provide Free Meals Through June

The Knox Community School Corporation will be participating in the USDA Summer Food Program again this year.

Free meals will be made available to children 18 years of age and under beginning in June. Any child is welcome to eat for free at the Knox High School from June 4 to July 26, and at the Knox Elementary School from June 4 to June 28.

No child will be discriminated against and every child from all over the area is welcome to participate. Both breakfast and lunch will be served.

Harlem Wizards Come to Knox!

The Roadrunner and Tom Berg

The Harlem Wizards came to Knox last night appearing in a fundraiser for the Knox High School Band. Money raised was to be used for a band trip to Florida.

While the Wizards play almost every night, some of the “ringers” rounded up by Coach Craige Phipps left a little to be desired. Tom Berg tried to keep up with the Wizards star guard who was simply known as “The Roadrunner.”

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Harlem Wizards Give Knox Band Boosters A Boost

The Harlem Wizards basketball team brings their high octane form of Hoops to Knox tonight to help raise funds for the Knox Band Boosters. The money raised will be used to fund a trip to Florida by the Knox High School Band.

Opposing players taking part in the game will include, among others, WKVI Morning Man Tom Berg. Berg has been saving himself for just this moment.

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Starke County Students to See Shakespeare Play

Seventh and eighth grade students from Knox, North Judson-San Pierre and Oregon-Davis will be attending professional Shakespeare play today at the North Judson-San Pierre High School Auditorium.

Tri Kappa gave the schools a grant for $4,105 in order to have the Navy Pier traveling Shakespeare group perform “Taming of the Shrew” at the North Judson-San Pierre Auditorium. 465 students will be able to see how the Shakespeare plays are presented and learn more about Shakespeare and the era while attending this event.

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Drug Free Double Dare Event Held at Knox Middle School

This student had fun participating in a physical challenge during the Double Dare event

10 teams from Knox and North Judson-San Pierre participated in the annual Drug Free Double Dare Challenge at the Knox Middle School yesterday afternoon.  Tom Berg was the emcee for the event which brought out several physical challenges.  The students enjoyed themselves and the “Nar-whales” team from Knox Middle School won $20 per person, and Noah from the winning team got the honor of giving Tom Berg a pie in the face. Continue reading

Kindergarten Countdown Meeting Tomorrow in Knox

A Kindergarten Countdown informational meeting is scheduled for tomorrow for students entering the Knox Community Elementary School Kindergarten program. Starke United, IU Health and the Knox Community School Corporation are sponsoring a Kindergarten Camp in June and this meeting will help explain the function of the camp. Director of Curriculum and Instruction at the Knox Community School Corporation, Peggy Shidaker, has more.

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