The Pulaski County Courthouse’s toilet troubles appear to have been resolved. “All the bathrooms are working,” Maintenance Director Mia Salyers announced to the county commissioners Monday. They replaced it with ones from and it was the exact toilet design needed for the courthouse.
Plumbing issues at the Pulaski County Courthouse are
creating some challenges for Circuit Court. Issues with clogged sewage lines
have prompted county officials to close off certain restrooms for the
time-being, including one in the court’s offices.
The Pulaski County Courthouse may need
some plumbing upgrades. Maintenance Director Mia Salyers told the
county commissioners Monday that some toilets weren’t flushing and
sewage was draining slowly.
North Judson’s streets that need to be repaved will have to wait a year. During last week’s town council meeting, Town Superintendent Marshall Horstmann said the town wouldn’t be able to do paving this year. But he went ahead and got two quotes, so the town will be ready to go next spring. Continue reading →
The lift station for the city of Knox is reportedly “beyond its last legs,” according to an official with the city water department. Bob Alloy with Territorial Engineering approached the Knox Board of Works this week and explained that a crew is still working to try to get the new pump operational, having already visited the city six times previously to try to repair the problematic pump.
Two ordinances were passed this week at the meeting of the Knox City Council on their first readings. The first ordinance increased the water rate for the city in two phases: the first would increase the rate by $2.35, and the second would raise it an additional $2.35, effectively making a total increase of $4.70.
The second ordinance passed was an amendment to the sewer and stormwater ordinance, increasing the rate by $1 this year and an additional $1 next year.
An additional appropriation was also approved at the meeting. The appropriation moved $140,000 from the Cumulative Sewer Fund to rebuild the lift station located on Claybaugh Drive in Knox, near the South Side Fire Station. Another $27,301.08 was moved from the Sewer Improvement Fund, and $21,000 in EDIT funds were also appropriated for the project.
Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston says the council will also be reestablishing the Cumulative Capital Development Fund in the near future.
The estimated $200,000 lift station project at the corner of Claybaugh and U.S. 35 has begun with the letting of an engineering contract. The City of Knox has signed a contract with Territorial Engineering for $21,000 to design a new modern submersible pump. The current lift station has been deemed difficult and unsafe to maintain.
Van Janovic of Territorial Engineers said the design should be complete by August and ready for bid. The construction of the new lift station could cause some inconvenience for personnel at the South Side Fire Station, but Janovic said they should be able to work around it.
Knox Mayor Rick Chambers reminded the city council members that the lift station at Clabaugh Drive and U.S. 35 is going to have to be replaced in the near future. That information came out of a report by Wastewater Superintendent Kelly Clemons.
“I had her get some figures. We need to know how much growth is expected south of that point. A new lift station would cost $188,000,” Chambers said.