Starke County Commissioners Hear Concern About Highland Cemetery

Starke County Commissioners: Kathy Norem, Dan Bridegroom and Jennifer Davis

The Starke County Commissioners this week discussed a request regarding a new entrance at the Highland Cemetery. Officials at the cemetery have expressed their desire to open a section of the fence near County Road 300 West to add an additional entrance and exit.

The town of North Judson will cover the cost of the entrance, which was actually in use many years ago, but has since become overgrown and blocked off with a chain. The town wishes to cut down the growth and remove the chain, allowing vehicles to use the path.

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Starke County Traffic Safety Partnership to Participate in Click it or Ticket Campaign

Officers from the Starke County Sheriff’s Department and Knox and North Judson Police Departments will be participating in the “Click it or Ticket” campaign beginning May 18th through June 3rd.

This blitz, coordinated by the Indiana Governor’s Council on Impaired or Dangerous Driving, allows officers to patrol during this seat belt enforcement period. All drivers and passengers are encouraged to wear their seat belts at all times in a motor vehicle. If you don’t wear your seat belt, you will receive a traffic citation. No warnings will be given.

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North Judson-San Pierre Student Dies

The North Judson-San Pierre student body is experiencing the loss of one of their own today. Superintendent Lynn Johnson made the announcement today (Thursday) at Noon.

“We are very saddened by the death of one of our students,” said Mrs. Johnson. “Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and their loss. Right now, our focus is assisting our students, staff and families during this difficult time.”

The school is not releasing the name of the student and an investigation into the student’s death is being conducted by the Starke County Coroner and the Indiana State Police.

Funeral arrangements are pending with the O’Donnell Funeral Home in North Judson.

Logansport Man Arrested on Battery Charges

A Logansport man was taken into custody on Friday after allegedly battering his estranged wife and children.

Matthew Quaife’s wife was reportedly moving items out of their house in North Judson and according to police, Matthew Quaife allegedly went “crazy” and battered his wife and children.

Quaife was arrested on three counts of Battery, as a Class D Felony and he is currently in the Starke County Jail on $75,000 surety bond and is to have no contact with the alleged victims. He has not yet had his preliminary hearing in Starke Circuit Court.

Mint Festival Planning Underway

Planning for the 35th Annual North Judson Mint Festival is in full swing, says Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry. The festival will take place on Father’s Day weekend, as always, June 15, 16, and 17.

The committee is currently working on organizing the Mint Pageant, where people will vote for the Mint King and Queen, Prince and Princess, as well as Little Miss and Little Mister. The pageant will take place Sunday, May 20, at 6 p.m. in the North Judson – San Pierre High School Auditorium. For more information or to find out how to compete, contact Cortny Barnes at (574) 207-3719.

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North Judson Railroad Committee Seeks Grant to Repair Crossing

The North Judson Railroad Committee is currently working on gathering funding for repairs on the U.S. 30 railroad crossing. Because a lot of truck traffic goes over the railroad, it has recently fallen into a minor state of disrepair — and with an expected increase in traffic passing over that crossing, the repairs are important.

Unfortunately, the repairs are not expected to be cheap. The committee is working on finding grants to fund the repairs, but the total cost is yet unknown.

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North Judson Town Marshal Presents Information to School Board

Doug Vessely
North Judson Town Marshal Doug Vessely

North Judson Town Marshal Doug Vessely gave a presentation to the North Judson-San Pierre School Board this week.

“We had a presentation by Police Chief Doug Vessely on substance abuse within the community and Starke County,” said Superintendent Lynn Johnson. “His information will be helpful as we are in the process of revising our policies to implement next school year. This was an informational session by Officer Vessely.”

Mowing Season in North Judson: No Taller Than Four Inches

Mowing season is finally here, and that means grass needs to be kept under four inches in the town of North Judson. If property is left unattended and the grass gets out of hand, the property owner will be notified to get the lawn mowed. If that notice goes unheeded, a fee can be imposed and, if necessary, a lien made on the property. This ordinance has been in place in the town of North Judson for several years.

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North Judson Town Board Discusses Highland Cemetery

North Judson Town Board

The Highland Cemetery was discussed once again at the recent meeting of the North Judson Town Board. The board discussed the possibility of adding an additional entrance to the cemetery, but it was mentioned that a second entrance already exists on County Road 300. That entrance has not been used in a very long time, and it has become overgrown and is in a state of disrepair. The board is looking into what expenses they can expect to get the entrance re-opened and cleaned up.

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Public Meeting Held Regarding Five-Member North Judson Town Board

North Judson Town Board

The public meeting regarding the transition of the North Judson Town Board from a three-member board to a five-member board was held Thursday, providing information regarding the transition to all those in attendance. Council President Wendy Hoppe and Councilman Tim Cummins were present, along with Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry, Starke County Clerk Evelyn Skronski, IACT Field Services Manager Tim Bredeweg, and a number of community members were present as well.

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North Judson Man Arrested after Prescription Drugs are Found in His Possession

Kevin Glisic

A North Judson man was arrested on April 12th after police found he was consealing prescription medication.

Kevin Glisic was pulled over in the North Judson area for an infraction violation and during the traffic stop, the officer did not find any contraband in his vehicle. After Glisic was released from the traffic stop, police reportedly received information that he was consealing medication in his pants. Pulaski County police learned that he was going to a residence in the Medaryville area and on the way there, officers found the Glisic’s vehicle at a gas station. Glisic allegedly saw law enforcement in the area and reportedly started acting suspiciously.  The officer asked Glisic if he could speak with him outside and he agreed saying that he had nothing in his car.

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North Judson Town Board Plans Special Meeting

North Judson Town Board

The North Judson Town Board will be taking public comments concerning expanding the current board from three to five members this Thursday, April 12th.

A representative from the Indiana Association of Cities and Towns will be at the meeting to explain the process of moving forward and to answer any questions on the possible move. All of the Board members will also be present to discuss the reasons why they are looking to increase the number of members on the board.

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North Judson Town Board Discusses Five-Member Transition

North Judson Town Board

The North Judson Town Board received an update regarding the transition from a three-member board to a five-member board this week. A public meeting regarding the possibility has been scheduled for Thursday, April 12th at 5:00 p.m. CT.  The meeting, which will likely take place at the Civic Center, will feature a representative from the Indiana Association of Clerk-Treasurers, and will give an idea of what requirements must be met in order to make the transition.

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100-Year-Old Structure Destroyed by Fire in the Bass Lake Area

Three fire departments battled a house fire at 200 E. and 500 S. in the Bass Lake area yesterday afternoon.

Firefighters from the Bass Lake, Knox-Center Township and North Judson-Wayne Township Fire Departments responded to the location where a 100-year old structure was fully engulfed in flames before crews arrived on scene. No cause has been released yet. A representative from the Indiana State Fire Marshal’s office was scheduled to meet with Bass Lake fire officials to determine a cause of the fire.

North Judson Woman Injured in Two Vehicle Accident

The LaPorte County Sheriff’s Department investigated a two vehicle accident at the intersection at State Road 39 and U.S. 30 last night.

Flora Howard, of North Judson, was reportedly traveling through the intersection and a semi ran a stop light and hit Howard’s car. She received non-life threatening injuries in the incident and the semi driver was not injured. Howard was taken to IU Health LaPorte Hospital for her injuries.

North Judson Town Board Discusses Key Policy

Front Row: Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry, Board members Ralph T. Cummins, Wendy Hoppe, and Jane Ellen Felchuk, Attorney Cassandra Hine. Back Row: Town Marshal Doug Vessely, Fire Chief Joe Leszek and Town Superintendent Marshall Horstmann. Photo by Town Photographer Peggy Bohac

The North Judson Town Board discussed the new key policy at their recent meeting. There is a new key log for all employees and all keys will be accounted for for all buildings and employees.

Town Superintendent Marshall Horstman reported to the board that a position with the utility department has been filled pending a drug test.

The Town of North Judson has a new Facebook page. Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry and Billing Clerk, Jennifer Vanek, have been reworking the site and they post town information as well as board minutes, which will be posted as they are approved.

North Judson Residents Can Notify Police When Leaving on Vacation

North Judson Police Department

North Judson Town Marshal Doug Vessely told the Town Board this week that he is asking residents to call the Police Department and notify them if they will be going out of town so officers can perform routine patrols around that property.

You may call 772-5914 and tell Vessely about your vacation and he and the other officers will check your residence to make sure no crimes have been committed. If there happens to be a break-in or other type of criminal activity at your house, he will notify you and an investigation will take place.

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North Judson Town Board Awards Trash Bid

The North Judson Town Board members formally awarded the trash bid to Richard’s Disposal at their meeting this week. The Board is now accepting bids for cemetery mowing and those bids are due into the Clerk-Treasurer’s Office by Noon on April 2nd.

The Building Inspector is working with the Unsafe Building Authority to make a list of all of the deteriorated properties in town. Two properties that qualify as unsafe have been identified so far and certified letters will be sent to those property owners as a notice to clean up their property. If the properties are not cleaned up within a certain amount of time, the town will step in and get it done. A lien will be placed against the property for payment of services rendered.