North Judson-San Pierre Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin ran the school board through a timeline related to the school’s technology planning grant when members met last week.
Continue readingNJ-SP School Board Accepts Letter of Vacation from Starke County Community Foundation
North Judson-San Pierre officials recently received a letter indicating that an organization that’s leasing space from the school corporation will soon be vacating the premises.
Continue readingNorth Judson-San Pierre School Board Approves 2019-2020 School Calendar
The calendar for the 2019-2020 school year was up for approval at Tuesday night’s North Judson-San Pierre School Board meeting.
Continue readingNJ-SP Teacher Awarded $12,000 Teacher Creativity Fellowship Grant
A North Judson-San Pierre teacher was one of 100 Hoosier educators to receive a grant through the Lilly Endowment Teacher Creativity Fellowship Program.
Continue readingCapital Projects Summary Presented to North Judson-San Pierre School Officials
A capital projects summary was given to North Judson-San Pierre School Board members when they met last Tuesday.
NJ-SP School officials worked with the architecture and engineering firm Fanning Howey with these capital projects. Company representative William Payne provided members with the project summary and noted that everything was accomplished without going over budget.
Payne explained that some major safety upgrades that were made to the entrances of all the schools. Continue reading
NJ-SP School Board Considers Resolutions As Well as Final Reading Over NEOLA Policies
North Judson San Pierre School Board approved two different resolutions when they met last Tuesday.
With one resolution, Treasurer Guy Richie was given the authority to pay claims and make necessary transfers so he can tend to any year-end financial obligations that may come up prior to the board’s next meeting in January. Continue reading
NJ-SP Maintenance Director to Start on Bus Cameras Pilot Project Over Christmas Break
Over Christmas Break, North Judson-San Pierre Maintenance Director Wilbur Collins plans to get started on a pilot project related to improving school bus safety.
When NJ-SP School Board members met on Tuesday, Collins explained that the recent bus-related fatalities in surrounding counties prompted him to look into some ways to improve safety and discourage motorists from putting students in danger with unsafe driving practices. Continue reading
North Judson-San Pierre School Board to Interview Candidates For Open Seat
Three Railroad Township residents are vying for the open seat on the North Judson-San Pierre school board. In order to interview the candidates, the NJ-SP school board members will meet in a special session this evening at 5:30 p.m. Continue reading
North Judson-San Pierre School Board Approves Sidewalk Snow Plow Purchase
To prepare for the snowy season, North Judson-San Pierre School Board members approved the purchase of a new sidewalk snow plow when they met Tuesday night. Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin explained that the existing model is outdated so school officials went through the process of receiving multiple quotes for a replacement. Continue reading
North Judson Town Council Brainstorms Ways to Recognize the NJ-SP Lady Jays Volleyball Team
The North Judson-San Pierre Lady Jay Volleyball team received a tremendous amount of community support over the weekend after winning the Indiana High School Athletic Association’s State Volleyball Championship on Saturday.
When town council members met Monday night, they deliberated about some ways they can recognize these talented student-athletes for this historic accomplishment. Continue reading
NJ-SP Superintendent Highlights Coordination Between Police Department and School Corporation
A few of the ongoing collaborative efforts between the North Judson-San Pierre School Corporation and the NJPD were highlighted at Tuesday night’s school board meeting. Continue reading
North Judson-San Pierre Superintendent Discusses Voluntary Curriculum Audit With School Board
The North Judson-San Pierre School Board received an update about the corporation’s voluntary curriculum audit when members met on Tuesday. Continue reading
NJ-SP School Board Adopts School Improvement Plans
The North Judson-San Pierre School Board adopted the school improvement plans for the elementary school and the junior/senior high school when members met on Tuesday.
Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin highlighted the key goals that the building principals discussed in detail at last month’s meeting. Continue reading
5th-Grade Boys and Girls Basketball Added to North Judson-San Pierre Athletics Program
North Judson-San Pierre 5th graders will have the opportunity to play basketball this season following a decision made by the NJ-SP School Board Tuesday evening.
The board unanimously approved a recommendation to add 5th-grade boys and girls basketball to the school’s athletics program. Continue reading
Starke County Students Encouraged to Utilize Available Resources to Report Bullying
Bullying is a serious issue that many students face and unfortunately with the introduction of new technology, it no longer stays in the schoolyard.
It can infiltrate multiple aspects of a child’s life to the point where they feel they’ve lost control. In order to raise awareness about this prevalent problem, October is recognized as Bullying Prevention Month. Continue reading
Calling Job Seekers of All Ages: SCEDF to Host Career Fair Today & Manufacturers Day Tomorrow
The Starke County Economic Development Foundation wants to help community members of all ages find a job that’s right for them. That’s why they’re hosting a few different events this week that will highlight a variety of local career options.
Today, WorkOne is teaming up with the SCEDF to host a career fair from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m. in the Knox Middle School auxiliary gym. Job seekers are invited to attend this event to find out more about the kind of opportunities that are out there. Attendees are asked to enter through door number five. Continue reading
North Judson-San Pierre Principals Cover School Improvement Plans
When the North Judson San-Pierre School Board met last Tuesday, members heard school improvement plan presentations from both school principals
Both Elementary School Principal Julie Berndt and Middle/High School Principal Jim Polite emphasized creating curriculums that are driven by test results, specifically, scores from the Northwest Evaluation Association test or NWEA. Continue reading
eLearning Policies Considered by North Judson-San Pierre School Board
Since it is their first year implementing eLearning, North Judson-San Pierre School officials had to create some policies to go along with the program. School Board members considered the policies on first reading when they met Tuesday evening.
Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin noted that the Teacher’s Association and the schools’ administrators were consulted to craft a document that fits for NJ-SP. She added that they also utilized support and resources from other area schools. Continue reading
North Judson-San Pierre School Board Meets Tonight
The North Judson-San Pierre School Board will hold a hearing over the 2019 Budget, as well as the Capital Projects and Bus Replacement funds when members meet tonight at 5:30 p.m.
A number of items related to the budget will also be up for adoption tonight. Continue reading
North Judson-San Pierre Receives Metal Detectors, Policy Development and Staff Training to Follow
Back in July, Governor Eric Holcomb announced that handheld metal detectors would be provided to public, private and charter schools at no cost as one element of the state’s comprehensive approach to bolster school safety efforts. North Judson-San Pierre was one of more nearly 370 Hoosier schools that requested metal detectors, based on a metal detectors UK report.
At last Tuesday’s NJSP school board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin reported they recently received the four detectors that were requested. She said now that they have these devices, a few more steps will have to happen before they can be utilized. Continue reading