Pulaski County Officials Considering Social Distancing Protocols for BZA Solar Farm Hearing

A proposed solar farm in Pulaski County is expected to draw a crowd to next week’s board of zoning appeals meeting. How to keep everyone safe from COVID-19 was a topic of discussion during Monday’s county commissioners meeting. A company called Mammoth Solar is seeking permission to build solar arrays on more than 4,500 acres of farmland. The project would be in portions of Jefferson, Beaver, Rich Grove, Franklin, and Monroe townships.

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Pulaski Commissioners to Hold Hearing on COVID-19 Response Grant Application Today

Pulaski County Commissioners: Mike McClure, Jerry Locke, Kenny Becker

Pulaski County residents have a chance to weigh in on a proposed small business relief program during this morning’s county commissioners meeting. A public hearing will be held on the county’s application for $250,000 from the state’s COVID-19 Response Program. If approved, that money would then be used to provide grants to Pulaski County businesses, similar to a program that recently took place in the City of Knox.

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Pulaski Commissioners to Consider Building Fee Adjustments, Health Insurance, Bridge Bid

Pulaski County Commissioners: Mike McClure, Jerry Locke, Kenny Becker

An adjustment to Pulaski County’s building department fees will be discussed by the county commissioners tonight. Building Inspector and Plan Administrator Doug Hoover is expected to present a recommendation from the advisory plan commission. Meanwhile, a plan to once again go after unpaid EMS bills will be discussed by EMS Director Brandon DeLorenzo.

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Pulaski County Facing $210,000 Increase in Health Insurance Costs

Pulaski County’s annual health insurance bill could be going up by more than $200,000, following a sharp increase in claims. Steve Gregory with Shepherd Insurance told the county commissioners last week that the plan hasn’t been running well. Cigna initially wanted to raise the cost by almost 44 percent but they negotiated it down to less than 20 percent.

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Pulaski Commissioners to Consider Health Insurance, Copier Lease Options Today

Pulaski County Commissioners: Mike McClure, Jerry Locke, Kenny Becker

The Pulaski County Commissioners will consider health insurance and copier lease options this morning. The commissioners will be asked to approve a contract with Cardinal Copier Solutions. The company got a favorable recommendation from the county council last week, after it said it could save the county $30,000 a year.

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