Pulaski County Commissioners Take Action to Settle Swayze Camp Lane Dispute

Pulaski County Attorney Kevin Tankersley (right) reviews documents presented during Monday’s commissioners meeting

The Pulaski County Commissioners may have reached a solution on a long-disputed access lane. Several residents were at Monday’s meeting calling for Swayze Camp Lane to be reopened. It runs from County Road 400 South to the Swayze Camp subdivision along the Tippecanoe River south of Winamac.

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Pulaski County Commissioners Approve Contract Renewal for Recorder’s Office Redaction Services

Pulaski County Commissioners: Mike McClure, Jerry Locke, Kenny Becker

The Pulaski County Recorder’s Office will continue to get outside help with redacting confidential information, following the approval of a contract renewal by the county commissioners last week. They agreed to renew the Recorder’s Office’s contract with CSI for another four years.

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Pulaski Council Approves Funding Arrangements for Highway Department Dump Truck Purchase

Pulaski County Council: back row: Mike Tiede, Kathi Thompson, Brian Young; front row: Scott Hinkle, Rudy DeSabatine, Jay Sullivan (not pictured: Ken Boswell)

Funding arrangements have been finalized for the Pulaski County Highway Department’s dump truck purchase. Earlier this month, the county commissioners agreed to let the Highway Department purchase the used truck from Pozzo Truck Center that had been traded in by Porter County. Last week, the county council formally approved the payment of the $40,000 cost out of the Local Roads and Streets Fund.

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Pulaski County Council, Commissioners to Discuss Courthouse Issues in Special Joint Session Tonight

The future of the Pulaski County Courthouse will be discussed during a special joint county council and commissioners meeting tonight. The meeting notice says officials will discuss options to address needed repairs to the courthouse, potential renovations to the existing buildings, the relocation of county offices, and the various plans to address the concerns with the courthouse.

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Pulaski County Commissioners Updated on Veterans Service Officer Requirements

The expectations for Pulaski County’s next veterans service officer will be a little higher than originally thought. The county commissioners announced Monday that two people have applied for the open position. But Tom White, the northwest district officer for the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs, says the state has a number of requirements that aren’t explicitly listed in the county’s job description.

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Pulaski County Assessor Asks to Be Moved Out of Courthouse Basement, Amid Staff Cancer Concerns

As discussions about the future of the Pulaski County Courthouse continue, health concerns have some county departments asking to have their offices moved. During Monday’s commissioners meeting, Assessor Holly VanDerAa said she’s had five employees get cancer after working in her basement office, and one of them passed away a few weeks ago.

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