After being understaffed for years, the Starke County Treasurer’s office may finally get a full-time clerk. Two treasurers have pleaded for help, but the request was never granted.
Treasurer Linda Belork came before the Starke County Council this week asking for the full-time help. Again, she was denied on a 4-2 vote. Council President, Mark Smith, explains that part of the action.
A contingent from Indiana University Health Starke Hospital attended the Starke County Council meeting Monday night. Among those in attendance were CEO Linda Satkoski, Vice President of Operations, Dave Hyatt, and the hospital’s attorney, Jim Kaminski, plus several Community Board members.
The purpose of the appearance was to solicit comment to a document sent to the Council concerning the lease of the hospital by IU Health LaPorte Hospital. Five years into a lease that is set to expire in 2016, the hospital hierarchy is interested in forming a government committee to monitor short and long term plans for the health facility.
The Starke County Commissioners addressed the concern of safety in the Courthouse at this week’s meeting. Commissioner Kathy Norem, who is a member of the Courthouse Security Committee, recommended that signs be posted at each entrance of the courthouse advertising that no weapons, unless authorized, will be allowed in the building. It was also advised that the same signage be posted on all County buildings.
The Commissioners have talked about installing a metal detector at certain entrances and closing off the rest for safety.
Commissioners Dan Bridegroom and Jennifer Davis agreed to the recommendation and the signs will be placed on all County buildings once the signs are produced.
Thomas Morin recently appeared before the Knox City Council and the Starke County Commissioners with a detailed 22 page document that lays out a handicapped parking plan for city and residential parking.
In his presentation, Morin explained to the Knox City Council what he wanted for the downtown Knox business district.
The Starke County Commissioners accepted trusteeship of a piece of property offered by professional Forester Bruce Wakeland this week. The County will be the trustee of the property that the Commissioners hope will be come a real asset to all who live here.
“129 acres is available to create a Starke County forest and I hope the public can enjoy it,” said Bruce Wakeland. “The public can learn about the marvelous wildlife area we have here in the County and how you can have good, healthy forest management and still have a beautiful place to see and enjoy. I think it’s going to be a really good asset for the County and I’m going to enjoy working with the property over the next however many years I have left.”
The Starke County Commissioners contracted with a Kalamazoo, Michigan firm to provide drug testing of County employees. Forensic Fluids Laboratories will test all new employees and 10% of randomly selected current employees. The testing will be done with a swab of oral fluids instead of urine specimens.
Deidre Cunningham, a representative of the company, said the testing is 100% accurate.
“An oral sample equates to a blood sample and a lot of people are surprised to hear that,” said Cunningham. “Your mouth resalivates all day long through the oral glands in your oral cavity and they way it resalivates is by the blood stream mixing with the oral fluids; saliva and other fluids. By testing either blood or oral fluid, you’re getting the same information. Isn’t it wonderful to think that you can get the same information from a blood test without the needle poke or the higher price point?”
There are more problems at the Starke County Jail. Sheriff Oscar Cowen told the Starke County Commissioners yesterday that he has been advised that the furnace and air conditioning unit could go out at any time. If that would happen, all prisoners would have to be moved to another facility.
On top of that, the roof needs a new rubber roof to protect the building from leaks. A water pipe leak was reported last week that did damage on the lower floor of the Jail where the Prosecutor’s Office is located.
Property owned by S.C.P. Building Products, LLC in Knox will go on the auction block today. The property will go on a tax sale, because over $93,000 in back taxes is owed.
S.C.P. Building Products, LLC has been doing business as The Federal Group. At one time, Rockwell Windows was doing business on the property, and was employing around 180 people, according to Starke County Development Foundation Director, Charles Weaver. Currently, there are approximately 25 people working at the Knox facility.
The Starke County Commissioners passed a resolution this week that would be used as a guideline for all office holders and staff to follow when traveling. The subject came up when several claims from December came in over what is recommended by the State.
In question were lodging and food claims turned in by some officials and staff members who attended the Newly Elected Prosecutor’s Conference and Attorney General’s Winter Meeting.
Attempting to answer questions on the claims were current Prosecutor, Nicholas Bourff, and his Chief Deputy, Mary Ryan. Discussed were claims turned in by then-Prosecutor Julieanne Havens, Mary Ryan, Jeff Williams, and Ryan Bratcher.
It was noted that all claims did not surpass the limit, but the Commissioners reminded Bourff and Ryan of the limits. The County will pay $6.50 for breakfasts and lunches, and $13.00 for dinner. The difference between what is allowed and the receipts for meals and lodging will be paid for by the attendee. The Commissioners also instructed those traveling to attempt to car pool when possible.
The question of when Sysco is breaking ground at the Hamlet site was brought up at the Starke County Commissioners meeting this week. Commission President, Dan Bridegroom, said to Starke County Development Director, Charles Weaver, in a lighthearted way, “I don’t know what to tell people who ask me.”
Bridegroom said he read in last week’s Leader that groundbreaking for the distribution center could be this summer.
Weaver said that he has “no” word that the summer is a consideration for groundbreaking. The last conversation he had with Baugh Midwest Cooperative Inc. is that the project is still viable, but that nothing is going to be done until the economy returns. He said that this added distribution center will cover 12 to 13 states and at the moment with the economy down those states can be serviced through existing centers.
In actions before the Starke County Commissioners Monday, they approved the lease for office space for Community Corrections.
The Commissioners tabled a request by Ed Truty to have his medical leave extended from February 27th to April 30th. This request was based on his doctor’s recommendation. Truty fell at home and broke his leg. Since no one was at the meeting to comment and answer questions on the request it was tabled to the February 21st meeting.
The Starke County Commissioners had a brief discussion last week on added security at the Starke County Courthouse. In light of violence seen at the political event in Arizona, it seems that everyone is considering security.
Two problems with metal detectors at the Starke County Courthouse immediately were evident. One was the added employment of person, or persons, to man the metal detector and the second was the fact that if a metal detector were installed, it would mean only one entrance into the courthouse could be used as all doors couldn’t be provided with a detector.
The Starke County Commissioners this week voted to approve a request for Video Conferencing at the Starke County Jail. The technology would allow arraignments to be done from the jail, without having to take prisoners to the courtroom.
The cost will be shared between the County, Knox City Court, and the Prosecutor’s office. Both audio and video will be provided by a fiber optic line. Families who want to watch the proceedings can do so on flat screen T.V.s that will be mounted in the courtrooms. The equipment will cost $6,061.00.
Approximately 20 people turned out Monday night to question the Starke County Commissioners about the proposed new burn ordinance. Numerous questions were asked about the ordinance which has been written to mirror the State’s ordinance on burning.
Many questions pertained to the enforcement of the new ordinance. The Sheriff’s Department, the Environmental Department and possibly even the Health Department will enforce the ordinance. If fire departments determine that a fire was set illegally or illegal materials were being burned, a report would be sent to the various departments mentioned for further action.
The Starke County Council has re-organized for the new year. Mark Smith was retained as the President and Mitchell Semans was elected Vice President.
Marty Lucas was retained as Council Attorney, Dave Pearman was named to the Kankakee Iroquois Regional Planning Commission, Mark Smith will stay on the Starke County Economic Development Board, Judy Benninghoff is a hold-over on the Starke County Planning Commission Board, Tony Radkiewicz, Sr. was selected for the Starke County Environmental Management board. Judy Zerniak was retained on the P.T.A.B.O.A. Board and Katie Dedloff was again selected for the Starke County Library Board. Kenny Wallace was named to the Alcohol Beverage Commission Board.
On a 2-1 vote, President Dan Bridegroom, Vice President Kathy Norem and Secretary Jennifer Davis were reappointed to their positions on the Starke County Board of Commissioners. Jennifer Davis and Dan Bridegroom voted for the slate and Kathy Norem voted against. Bridegroom and Davis are both Democrats and Norem is a Republican.
Bob Howard has been replaced as a member of the Starke County Health Board. Howard had served for 10 years on the Board, 8 of them as President. Although he reapplied for another term on the Board, the Starke County Commissioners named Jennifer Davis and Beverly Fraine for the two positions that were available.
Two representatives of the Fitness Forum in Plymouth approached the Starke County Commissioners about instituting a fitness-wellness program for the County’s 125 employees. Corporate Representative, Patty Choquette, and Mary Labuzienski, Clinical Program Director, pointed out that employees who work-out make better employees in the long run. They also described the weight reduction, smoking cessation and healthy living classes the employees could take advantage of.
The new year brings new appointments to government Boards. Today, the Starke County Commissioners will appoint officers to the Starke Regular Drainage Board, Planning Commission, Kankakee Iroquois Regional Plan Commission, Health Board, Hospital Community Board, Alcoholic Beverage Board, City Plan Commission, Regional Workforce Board, Wage Commission, P.T.A.B.O.A. Board, Innkeepers Tax/Visitors Association Board, and Community Corrections Board. The Commissioners are likely to reorganize as well.
On December 13th, Starke County had a level one snow emergency, prompting the County Commissioners to close the Courthouse. That brought up the question of “should employees be paid when the courthouse is closed?”
It was noted that no policy is in place to address this question. At the last Commissioners meeting, it was decided to pay the employees for that day, but in the future, “snow days” must be used as a vacation day, or a non-paid day. Sick days cannot be used for this type of situation.