The Town of Hamlet is moving closer to creating a new comprehensive plan. Up to 90 percent of the cost is expected to be covered by grant funding distributed by the state. In order to qualify, the town council has begun the process of updating two of its ordinances.
Public Hearing Held on Broadband Planning Grant
The Starke County Commissioners held a public hearing Monday night on a Broadband Readiness Planning Grant.
Starke County Council, Commissioners to Meet Tonight
The Starke County Council members will consider several budget transfer requests when they meet tonight.
Starke County Economic Development Foundation Reviews This Year’s Manufacturers Day Event
Officials in Starke County Take Some More Stellar Steps with Asset Mapping Workshop
The Starke County Economic Development Foundation hosted an asset mapping workshop in conjunction with representatives from the Office of Community and Rural Affairs Tuesday night.
Stellar Community Project Manager Michael Sinnet facilitated the exercise which was held at the Nancy J. Dembowski Community Center. Over the last few months, SCEDF officials have been working with town, city and county representatives about a local Stellar initiative. Continue reading
Calling Job Seekers of All Ages: SCEDF to Host Career Fair Today & Manufacturers Day Tomorrow
The Starke County Economic Development Foundation wants to help community members of all ages find a job that’s right for them. That’s why they’re hosting a few different events this week that will highlight a variety of local career options.
Today, WorkOne is teaming up with the SCEDF to host a career fair from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m. in the Knox Middle School auxiliary gym. Job seekers are invited to attend this event to find out more about the kind of opportunities that are out there. Attendees are asked to enter through door number five. Continue reading
SCEDF Receives Purdue IN-MaC Micro Grant
The upcoming Manufacturing Day events in Starke County will be covered in part by a Purdue IN-MaC micro grant.
The Starke County Stellar Executive Team Has Been Assembled
The Stellar Executive Team of Starke County has been assembled.
Starke County Economic Development Foundation Executive Director Larry Wickert is serving as one of the members and shared the other individuals who will be involved. Continue reading
Mint Opportunities Explored in Starke County
Those involved in Starke County’s mint industry got together earlier this month to exchange ideas. Ron Gifford with the Starke County Economic Development Foundation discussed the event with the Hamlet Town Council last week.
Starke County Awarded Broadband Readiness Planning Grant
Starke County is getting $50,000 to develop ways to expand broadband access. Starke and Marshall counties were among five rural Indiana communities awarded a Broadband Readiness Planning Grant.
North Judson Clerk-Treasurer to Serve as Town Representative in Regional Stellar Community Efforts
North Judson Town Council members decided who would serve as their community representative for the local Stellar Executive Team when they met Tuesday night. Continue reading
Starke County Commissioners to Negotiate Contract with SCEDF
The Starke County Commissioners will enter into a contract negotiation soon with officials with the Starke County Economic Development Foundation.
Local Officials Consider Existing Assets Within Starke County while Talking with Stellar Community Project Manager
When community leaders gathered in the Starke County Economic Development Foundation’s office last week for an informational meeting about OCRA’s Regional Stellar initiative, they were asked to consider some of the existing assets within the county.
Stellar Community Project Manager Michael Sinnet said they should consider a variety of different elements within the community that could encompass a number of categories including natural, human, financial and physical assets. Continue reading
Stellar Strategizing Continues in Starke County
The Starke County Economic Development Foundation hosted another informational session about the Regional Stellar Communities Designation Program.
Leaders from Hamlet, North Judson and Knox as well officials at the County level and individuals from other entities looking to get involved in the process gathered at the SCEDF office Wednesday night to receive more details about obtaining “Stellar” status.
OCRA’s Liaison for Northwest Indiana Gerry White returned and this time he was joined by Stellar Community Project Manager Michael Sinnet. Continue reading
Starke County Economic Development Foundation Discusses Projected Population Loss
EZ Blockchain Seeks Office Space, As Hamlet Data Center Nears Completion
EZ Blockchain is a step closer to setting up operations near Hamlet. Ron Gifford with the Starke County Economic Development Foundation gave an update on the new data center to the Hamlet Town Council last week. “I think they’ve laid the cement,” he said. “I think they have the units. If they’re not there yet, they’re going to be.” Continue reading
SCEDF Checks in With Knox Officials about Interest in Local Stellar Effort
Knox Mayor Dennis Estok said city officials are going to wait to come on board with a local Stellar effort until a bit more research has been done. Continue reading
Starke County Economic Development Foundation Touts Progress in Educational Attainment
Starke County residents are steadily becoming more educated, according to Ron Gifford with the Starke County Economic Development Foundation. “We’ve gone from 854 people in the county in 1990 with a bachelor’s degree or higher, and we more than doubled it up to 1,840 in 2016,” he told the Hamlet Town Council last week. “We also increased higher than the national average for people who had some college or an associate’s degree.”
Development Opportunities Discussed during Hamlet Council Meeting
District 4 Knox City Council Member to be Determined at Tonight’s Caucus, Council Meeting to Follow
The caucus to find a replacement for the open District 4 Knox City Council seat will be held tonight at 6:30 p.m.
Starke County Democrat Chairman Kenny Wallace shared that the three individuals submitted a letter of interest before the deadline. Those candidates will be considered and whoever is selected will be sworn in immediately following the caucus. They will be able to attend their first meeting as a member tonight.
The regularly scheduled city council meeting will commence at 7 p.m. Continue reading