Starke County Clerk Shares Concerns with Election Board

Starke County Clerk Bernadette Welter-Manuel is trying to establish some ground rules with the rest of the county election board. During a contentious meeting last week, Welter-Manuel read from a prepared statement outlining a list of concerns. “One, I will only be attending properly posted public election board meetings going forward,” she said. “With this being said, I won’t take any action on anything that comes out of any other said meetings. I will not be answering anymore to where my clerks are at any meetings or events. They are my employees, my sole decision to have them or not. The budget that I give to run my office does not need approval or a vote from this board.”

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Starke County Election Board Working to Collect Fine from Former Coroner

Collecting unpaid fines for late campaign finance reports is proving to be a challenge for the Starke County Election Board. During last week’s meeting, it was learned that former Coroner Dannie Hoffer Jr. still hadn’t paid his $150 fine. Election officials said the matter was sent to small claims court, but Hoffer apparently refused to sign for the documents when he was notified by certified mail.

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Proposed Senate Bill May Force Replacement of Starke County’s Voting Machines

Plans to upgrade Starke County’s voting machines may be put on hold, pending the outcome of a bill in the Indiana Senate. Senate Bill 570 proposes a number of new requirements related to election cyber security. Notably, any electronic voting systems would have to have a “voter verifiable paper audit trail,”starting in 2022.

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Starke County Council Member Fails to Show Up for Election Board Meeting

Starke County Council Member Tom DeCola failed to appear before the county election board Friday. DeCola had apparently asked to be on the agenda, but by the end of the meeting, he still hadn’t arrived. “Let the minutes show that a second calling for Mr. Tom DeCola to come before the board after his request was sent to us, and he is not present,” said Board President Peg Brettin. “And the request was in writing.”

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