Starke County Council, Commissioners to Meet Tonight

The Starke County Council members will meet in a joint meeting with the county commissioners tonight where they will consider a contract quote to continue radio services with J&K Communications.  Matthew Noonan from the Starke County Communications Committee presented the one-year service agreement for $42,000 to the commissioners earlier this month.  They decided to discuss it tonight in a joint meeting with the council members.

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UPDATE: House Explosion under Investigation

A house explosion occurred at a Kewanna home today.

The Pulaski County Coroner’s Office confirmed that one death occurred at 5806 E. 250 S. in Kewanna. The identity of the decedent, along with the manner and cause of death, are pending. The incident remains under investigation. More information will be released as it becomes available.

An autopsy is scheduled for Monday, but it may take several weeks before any information is revealed. 

Indiana Department of Homeland Security responded to the scene, along with the Indiana State Police, Indiana State Fire Marshal, Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department, Pulaski County Coroner’s Office, Kewanna Police Department, Winamac Police Department, Kewanna Fire Department, Winamac Fire Department, Star City Fire Department, Pulaski County EMS, Parkview Samaritan, and Lutheran EMS.