Updates Given on Unsafe Properties

The Knox Board of Works members got an update on the renovation efforts on two identified unsafe structures.

Knox Planning Administrator and Director of Building and Code Compliance Kenny Pfost said Lucia Valladares hasn’t gotten any work done for a couple of months. She told Pfost that she hopes to resume efforts in March. The construction permit expires May 22. The board approved a motion to request for her to appear at the next meeting on Wednesday, March 28. She also owns property on Bender Street that needs renovation work.

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Knox Board of Works Members Receive Update on Downtown Building

The Knox Board of Public Works members received an update on the progress of repairs at 1 and 3 N. Main Street in downtown Knox.

According to Knox Planning Administrator and Director of Building and Code Compliance Kenny Pfost, the building’s owner has replaced the glass on the ground floor of the two-story building and installed insulation and OSB boards around the windows and above the front door. Pfost says owner Pete Milev plans to put some finished material over the OSB, but he’s not sure what material may be installed.

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Knox Board of Works Gets Update on Downtown Building Repairs

The Knox Board of Works members got an update on repairs being made to 1 and 3 N. Main Street in downtown Knox.

Knox Planning Administrator and Director of Building and Code Compliance Kenny Pfost told the board members that a timeline was provided for repairs. Building Owner Pete Milev was given until May 2018 to complete extensive repairs to the exterior masonry and interior violations. Pfost said he mailed the timeline to Milev by certified mail on Dec. 12, but it has not been returned with a signature.

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