Culver Town Council to Meet Tonight

The Culver Town Council members will hold a public hearing on an ordinance that amends the traffic, parking and pedestrian regulations within the town. In a previous meeting, Town Manager Jonathan Leist noted that this is a document that was presented and approved earlier, but it needs to go through the public hearing process once again as directional wording was incorrect in the first version. After the public hearing concludes, the town council will hold a first reading of the ordinance.

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Meet Culver’s New Park Superintendent Tomorrow on Opening Day for the Beach

Amber Cowell and some Culver kiddos showing off their crafts. Photo Source: Town Manager Jonathan Leist

Culver’s new Park Superintendent has been busy preparing the park and beach for the summer season.

Park Superintendent Amber Cowell attended her first town council meeting Tuesday night. In her report, she announced that the beach will be opening this Saturday. In conjunction with opening day of the beach, an open house to welcome Amber to her new position is being held at Culver Beach Lodge. Continue reading

Culver Town Council to Consider Rezoning for Culver Meadows Development

culver town hall

The Culver Town Council will consider the next step for the proposed Culver Meadows development. It would consist of about 25 single family homes and townhouses, as well as a new gas station in the area of State Road 10 and State Road 17. During tonight’s meeting, council members will consider an ordinance on second and third reading to rezone the property to a Planned Unit Development.

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Three OCRA-Funded Projects in Culver Reviewed for Application Submission Today

Three projects that will be funded with grant money from the Office of Community and Rural Affairs recently were reviewed by Culver Stellar Community members and Shannon McLeod from Priority Project Resources last week. Culver Town Manager Jonathan Leist told the town council members this week that the overview of the applications for those projects are due today that include plans for the Culver Beach Lodge, Cavalier Park and Lake Max programming. The applications will undergo state and environmental review and historical preservation aspects.

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