Culver Town Council to Meet Tonight

The Culver Town Council members will continue discussions on two annexation ordinances when they meet tonight.

The Lambert Trust property annexation request includes 1.26 acres of land just north of State Road 10 and west of State Road 17. Plans are to construct a Dollar General store on that newly rezoned commercial property.  The third reading of the ordinance that would grant annexation is being considered tonight.

The second request is for a daycare facility on the west end of Cass Street.  The first reading of the ordinance will be considered with a public hearing on the request set for the April 9 town council meeting.

Also, the Culver Town Council members will go over a Culver Boys and Girls Club donation request.  Town Manager Jonathan Leist will have updates on activities surrounding the Culver Stellar Communities Designation and his regular report.  The council members will also receive reports from Clerk-Treasurer Karen Heim and the department heads.

The Culver Town Council will meet at 6:30 p.m. ET tonight at the Culver Town Hall at 200 E. Washington Street. 

Culver Town Council Agrees to Join HGAC to Purchase Equipment

The Culver Town Council members are moving ahead to join HGAC to get the best prices on equipment. 

The council members voted in favor of a motion to allow Council President Ginny Bess Munroe to sign the papers with the purchasing consortium.  The Culver-Union Township Fire Department is interested in a bid through Rosenbauer, a Minnesota company, for an aerial fire truck. 

HGAC gathers bids from all over the country and then all state and municipal governments can agree to be a part of the consortium to get a state bid on equipment. 

A bid for an aerial fire truck has not been approved at this point.  Fire Chief Terry Wakefield said donations for the truck are still coming in which are appreciated.  The Historical Society will be doing a program on the fire department this summer and it could be an opportunity to help gather funds for the new fire truck. 

Culver Beach Lodge Construction Plans Complete

The construction plans for the Culver Beach Lodge are now complete.  The project is ready to go to bid, according to Town Manager Jonathan Leist.

“They’re posted online for any interested bidders,” commented Leist.  “The bid opening is scheduled for March 28.  Anyone interested must submit a bid by 10:30 a.m. on the 28th.  Steve Park is our architect on that and has some concern about trying to attract multiple bidders to it.  It’s kind of a project that’s in the middle zone where it’s too small for the larger contractors, but kind of too bid for some of the smaller, local ones.”

The bids will be taken under advisement at the March 28 bid opening meeting to be discussed further at the April 9 Culver Town Council meeting.

Leist said the Culver Beach Lodge project is part of the Stellar Communities Designation program plans that were approved for the Town of Culver with funding from the state.

The Culver Beach Lodge will undergo a major renovation with new plumbing, restroom fixtures, and electrical updates.  The main floor will also under go a major facelift with an addition on the street side to allow for a new staircase and elevator.    

The project is anticipated to begin this spring with plans to work around the summer schedule at the Culver Town Park with completion in the fall.