Culver Council Extends Contract with Maxinkuckee Yacht Club for Sailing Lessons

Lake Maxinkuckee beach in Culver

The Maxinkuckee Yacht Club will be able to continue its kids’ sailing lessons at the Culver Beach, but further contract negotiations are expected in the coming months. The town council last week voted to extend its current agreement with the yacht club through the end of January. For the past four summers, the group has been using the beach to host Saturday morning sailing lessons, along with four-day sailing camps.

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Culver Town Council Reviews Planned Community Crossings Road Projects

The Culver Town Council is moving ahead with this year’s Community Crossings grant application. Town Manager Jonathan Leist told council members Tuesday the town is looking to finish a couple road projects that were originally planned for last year: Lake Shore Drive from Lakeview to Main, including sidewalk repairs, and Clover Street from White to Clymax.

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Public Hearing Scheduled Over Culver’s Proposed Switch to Primary Election System

Culver residents will soon have the chance to weigh in on how candidates are nominated for elected town offices. The town council Tuesday continued discussing the possibility of letting voters choose candidates for council seats and the clerk-treasurer’s position during the May primary, according to Clerk-Treasurer Karen Heim. Under the current system, parties choose their candidates during a town convention.

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