Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch will be in Culver today to see what progress has been made on some of the complimentary projects within the Town of Culver’s Stellar Communities Designation Program.
Culver Town Council to Meet Tonight
The Culver Town Council members will open a public hearing tonight on proposed changes to the L1 District side yard setback requirements, residential and commercial fence permits and boatsheds.
Culver-Union Township EMS Sells Ambulance
An old ambulance no longer needed by the Culver-Union Township EMS Department has now sold.
Resolutions for Two Culver Stellar Communities Projects Approved
The Culver Town Council members approved two resolutions this week in order for the town to successfully submit applications for two Stellar Community Designation Program projects.
Culver Town Council Approves Support of Proposed Fiber Optic Survey
Culver Redevelopment Commission President Rich West approached the Culver Town Council this week with a statement of support with moving forward to distribute an online survey to attract a fiber optic project.
Culver Town Council Holds Public Hearing on Traffic Ordinance
The Culver Town Council members opened a public hearing Tuesday night to take comments on the amended traffic ordinance. The council members adopted the ordinance in a previous setting, but directional wording was incorrect in the previous document.
Culver Town Council Delays Ordinance Readings Concerning PUD
The Culver Town Council members Tuesday night agreed to delay the third and final readings on ordinances that would rezone parcels on State Road 17 and State Road 10 for a Planned Unit Development as well as an ordinance annexing those parcels.
Culver Town Council to Meet Tonight
The Culver Town Council members will hold a public hearing on an ordinance that amends the traffic, parking and pedestrian regulations within the town. In a previous meeting, Town Manager Jonathan Leist noted that this is a document that was presented and approved earlier, but it needs to go through the public hearing process once again as directional wording was incorrect in the first version. After the public hearing concludes, the town council will hold a first reading of the ordinance.
The Annual Culver Boys and Girls Club Auction is This Friday
Tomorrow is the annual Culver Boys and Girls Club Auction.
This event serves as one of the main fundraisers for the Culver Boys and Girls Club. It will be held in Lays Dining Hall at Culver Academies. Doors open at 6 p.m. Eastern and the event will kick-off at 7 p.m. Continue reading
Culver-Union Township Fire Chief Asks About Adding Town Employees to the Fire Department
Culver-Union Township Fire Chief Terry Wakefield came before the Culver Town Council in May to ask members if there was an existing policy about hiring town employees as volunteer firefighters.
Chief Wakefield explained that being a town employee is one factor that makes someone eligible to work on the fire department. However, he said that the current salary ordinance is keeping him from hiring anyone on, despite the fact that there are a few people who completed the necessary testing and would be able to assist with in-town fires during the day. Continue reading
Culver-Union Township EMS Gains New Employee, Prospective Buyer Looks at Ambulance
Culver-Union Township EMS gained a new employee after town council members approved a hiring request from EMS Director Kathy Hart at their final meeting in May.
Director Hart asked the council to consider hiring Stephen Kobitz as fulltime employee. Council President Ginny Bess Munroe asked the director to state the rate for the record. She said that the new hire would be making $16 per hour and would be required to work 36 hours per week. Continue reading
Dual-Generational Playground Equipment Idea Presented to Culver Town Council
Three students from Culver Academies presented town officials with a project idea during the last town council meeting in May.
One of the students, Alan Yang, told council members that after discussing the importance of responsible citizenship in one of their classes, the students brainstormed some ideas of ways they could assist the community.
Yang said they decided to do something at the park since that is an area that is utilized by individuals of all ages and it is one of the major focal points of town. Continue reading
Culver Town Council Approves Donation for St. Joseph Regional Medical EMS Fund Raiser
Culver Town Council members considered making a donation to the St. Joseph Regional Medical Center EMS Fundraiser when they met last Tuesday.
EMS Director Kathy Hart explained that there are a few pieces of equipment that the hospital is interested in purchasing.
She said nothing is finalized but they’re looking to laptops for the rigs as well as an automatic chest compression device. Continue reading
Culver Town Council Establishes Special Summer Schedule for Town Employees
Special summer hours have been established for Culver Town Hall and town officials will be trying out a new summer hour schedule as well.
During the summer season, Culver Town Hall will be open to the public from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. At last week’s Culver Town Council meeting, a new employee schedule was proposed.
President Ginny Bess Munroe said she collaborated with Clerk-Treasurer Karen Heim and Town Manager Jonathan Leist about a “morale-boosting” schedule that will give employees a chance to enjoy their summer. Continue reading
Culver Town Council Approves Event Request for Taste of Culver
Culver Town Council members considered a special event request for the Taste of Culver when they met last Tuesday.
Event organizer Cheryl Rhodes said the set-up for the event will be similar to past years. Continue reading
Meet Culver’s New Park Superintendent Tomorrow on Opening Day for the Beach
Culver’s new Park Superintendent has been busy preparing the park and beach for the summer season.
Park Superintendent Amber Cowell attended her first town council meeting Tuesday night. In her report, she announced that the beach will be opening this Saturday. In conjunction with opening day of the beach, an open house to welcome Amber to her new position is being held at Culver Beach Lodge. Continue reading
Culver Town Council Amends Motion from Previous Meeting at Clerk-Treasurer’s Request
Culver Town Council members voted to amend a motion made in a previous meeting at the request of Clerk-Treasurer Karen Heim.
At Tuesday night’s town council meeting, Clerk-Treasurer Heim requested that the council members amend the motion made at an April meeting pertaining to the purchase of new radio-read water meters. Continue reading
Culver Town Council Holds Second Reading Over PUD Rezoning Ordinance, Additions to Developer’s Agreement Discussed
The property for a potential Planned Unit Development in Culver is one step closer to being rezoned, after Tuesday night’s Town Council meeting.
Council members held the second reading over the ordinance that would rezone the parcels located on State Road 17 and State Road 10, where developer Thomas Beste has proposed the construction the Culver Meadows housing development as well as gas station.
Town Council President Ginny Bess Munroe said that she spoke with Beste about adding a few things in the developer’s agreement to make sure a few of plans that have been discussed will be spelled out in the document. Continue reading
Culver Town Council to Consider Rezoning for Culver Meadows Development
The Culver Town Council will consider the next step for the proposed Culver Meadows development. It would consist of about 25 single family homes and townhouses, as well as a new gas station in the area of State Road 10 and State Road 17. During tonight’s meeting, council members will consider an ordinance on second and third reading to rezone the property to a Planned Unit Development.
Culver Town Council Holds First Reading Over Primary Plan for Culver Meadows PUD
The highlight of Tuesday night’s Culver Town Council meeting was a public hearing that was held to review a Planned Unit Development application for Culver Meadows.
Town Manager Jonathan Leist explained that this week’s hearing consisted of a review of the primary plan and rezoning request. According to Leist, the town has a zoning district that is strictly for PUDs, which allows for the development to have both commercial and residential structures. Continue reading