SCILL Center Students Perform Well on ASE Certification Tests

SCILL Center

The students at the SCILL Center recently took ASE classes for certification.

“There were 152 tests that were given over a week’s period of time, which included steering, suspension, brakes, electrical and electronic systems, engine performance, engine repair, automatic transmission systems, transaxles, manual drive line, axles and heating and air conditioning,” explained SCILL Center Instructor, Rod Dawson. “In each of the categories, we had actually 19 students that were taking each one of these tests, and they scored over a fifty percent in each of them with a pass rate. I was quite impressed with the students and it was an excellent showing for the first time around. I felt that the students needed to take all eight areas and it just validates what they actually are doing here for training.”

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Ted Hayes Spotlights Class of 1961 in Today’s “Ted Hayes Remembers” Program

Linda Lock. This picture is from the 1961 Sandbur Yearbook

TED HAYES REMEMBERS 5-13 (download or listen)

You’re invited to listen to “Ted Hayes Remembers” today at 12:20 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. CT. He will talk about the Knox High School Class of 1961.

It was the biggest class to graduate to that date (110). The varsity basketball record of 19-1 still stands as the best ever. Mark Simmons taught Government and History, Jane Beeson taught Home Ec., Henry Meurer was the High School Band Director, Bob Beeson was the basketball coach and Dale Snelling was the football coach.

Linda Lock and Ron Fletcher were chosen as Mr. and Miss Knox High School. Linda was also the Homecoming Queen her senior year.

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Knox High School Class of 1961 to be Featured on “Ted Hayes Remembers”

Carl Lotter, Pres.; Jan Johnson, Vice Pres.; Thad Pryce, Student Council; Linda Lock, Student Council. Seated: Bob Goode, Secretary; Ronnie Fletcher, Treasurer. Sandbur Yearbook picture

If you are of a certain age and attended Knox High School in the early 60’s you will probably be able to answer this question.

Who were the class officers of the KHS Class of 1961?

If you said Carl Lotter, Jan Johnson, Thad Pryce, Linda Lock, Bob Goode, and Ron Fletcher, you’d get an A.

Those students were just part of the graduating class of 1961, and Ted Hayes will honor this 50 year class Friday at 12:20 p.m. and at 5:30 p.m. CT during his “Ted Hayes Remembers” program.

Sherry Wakal Honored at Knox Community School Board Meeting

Sherry Wakal

During the Spotlight on Success portion of the Knox Community School Board meeting Monday night, the Board honored 4th grade teacher, Sherry Wakal.

Martin’s Supermarkets, along with television station CW 25 and radio station Sunny 101.5 out of South Bend run a yearly program on Teacher of the Month,” explained Superintendent A.J. Gappa. One of our 4th grade teachers, Sherry Wakal, was the February Teacher of the Month and she was presented a certificate. She is planning to attend a luncheon on May 19th at the Martin’s in Granger, where they announce the Teacher of the Year. It was quite an honor.”

Anchor Writers Celebration Held Thursday at Knox Middle School

An Anchor Writers luncheon celebration was held Thursday, May 5th at the Knox Middle School.

“About five or six years ago, we decided that as a K-12 system we needed to promote good writing,” explained Middle School Principal, Steve Cronk. “Four times year, we ask students to provide us with writing samples and then from those samples the teachers select the best ones. We then have those kids come in for the luncheon. They get a free lunch with their parents and their teachers, and they get a booklet that contains their essay as well as the other winning essays.”

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Knox Community School Board Discusses Lease with Apple Computers

Gary Dulin, Jerry Fletcher, Harold Welter, Mary Lynn Ritchie, Kirk Bennett, Nathan Marcum, Mike Yankauskas, Superintendent A.J. Gappa

The Knox Community School Board member discussed entering into a lease agreement with Apple computers at their recent meeting.

“That program would involve having an Apple Macbook computer for each of the students enrolled from grades six through twelve,” said Superintendent, A.J. Gappa. “We’re looking at a four year lease program that Apple promotes through different school corporations throughout the State of Indiana and also throughout the country. Apple representative, Joseph Lee, was here to help answer questions that the Board members had about the program. Many questions have been answered, but there are some other items that the Board wants to look at before they make a commitment because it is such a large commitment. We anticipate getting some of those questions answered before the next Board meeting.”

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Knox School Board Approves Purchase of Pool Deck Liner

Gary Dulin, Jerry Fletcher, Harold Welter, Mary Lynn Ritchie, Kirk Bennett, Nathan Marcum, Mike Yankauskas, Superintendent A.J. Gappa

The Knox Community School Board approved a change order in the Knox High School renovation project. Brian Bohlender from Barton Coe Vilamaa went through the funds for the project. Work is being done in the pool area, water piping is being replaced throughout the school and new lockers are being installed. At their meeting Monday night, the Board approved the installation of a pool deck liner and the deck liner pad at a cost of approximately $36,048.

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Knox Fifth Grade Students Give Lesson in Technology to School Board

Mrs. Barnes and 5th grade presenters: Mrs. Barnes, Victoria Bulick, Colin Kulpa, Libby McEntee, Payton McIntyre, Mariah McKee, Allison Minix, and Cassie Waletzko

The Knox Community School Board got a lesson in technology at their recent school Board meeting and the teachers were 5th grade students.

“We just showed the Board what we’ve been doing this year in technology,” said Laura Barnes, Computer Applications Teacher at the Knox Elementary School. “We’ve started all of the grade levels on various new technologies IPads, some web tools such as Glogster and My Big Campus so we showed the Board some of those things. Glogster is a web tool which is basically a cross between a blog and a virtual poster. The kids can use them for presentations with projects, they can use them as a creative journal – there are a lot of educational tools for it.”

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Knox Elementary Students Visit Starke County Museum

Mrs. Shaw's third grade class visits Starke County Museum. Ed Hasnerl (L) is pictured in Civil War clothing

Nearly 150 Knox Elementary School third grade students visited the Starke County Museum this week to learn more of the history and the people of the area in which they live. In the annual trek to the museum at 401 South Main Street in Knox, the home of former Governor Henry F. Schricker, seven classes each spent an hour with volunteer guides and watching local history videos. Continue reading

Knox Elementary Students’ Poems to be Published

A few of the 199 third, fourth, and fifth grade Knox Community Elementary students who submitted poetry (rear, from left) Kaitlyn Lindbergh, Lilly Boldt, Mariah McKee, Laurel Clark, Katelyn Messer; (front, from left) Trevor Flagg, and Lily Underwood.

More than 200 Knox Community Elementary School students’ original poems could be published this fall in the 2011 Young American Poetry Digest, a program of the National Schools project.

Charles Ratliff, writing teacher at the school, says nearly 800 poems were submitted to be considered for the anthology, which is a collection of writing in book form. He says the work of 50 fifth graders, 79 fourth graders,
and 70 third graders were accepted.

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Knox Community School Board Approves Amended 2011-2012 School Calendar

Gary Dulin, Jerry Fletcher, Harold Welter, Mary Lynn Ritchie, Kirk Bennett, Nathan Marcum, Mike Yankauskas, Superintendent A.J. Gappa

The Knox Community School Board approved an amended 2011-2012 school calendar during its Monday night meeting. The Board had asked Superintendent A.J. Gappa to work with all entities involved to push back the start of the school year. The preliminary calendar had students starting on August 10th and the Board felt that start date was too early. The amended calendar has the students beginning the next school year on August 16th with the last student day on May 24th. Spring break would be March 26th-30th with commencement on June 1st.

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Knox Community School Board Spotlights Middle School Science Fair Winners

Kameron Keehn, Olivia Tallarita and Abigail Belcher

The Knox Community School Board spotlighted the winners of the Middle School Science Fair Monday night.

17 students participated in the March 15th event and the students could enter projects in an Experiment category, Research category or Demonstration category. The first, second and third place winners won money that was donated by the Middle School PTO.

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Knox High School Drama Department to Present Fiddler on the Roof

The Knox High School Drama Department will present Fiddler on the Roof on Friday and Saturday at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. in the High School Auditorium.

“Fiddler is an older show and it is set in 1905 in Russia in a little village of Anatevka,” said Director Terrill Hahn of the musical. “It’s got some great classic songs in it like ‘Matchmaker’, ‘If I Were a Rich Man’, ‘Tradition’, and ‘Sunrise, Sunset’. All of those songs I’m sure people are familiar with.”

Miss Hahn says this play has been a challenge for the actors and everyone involved.

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Knox School Board Discusses 2011-2012 School Calendar

Gary Dulin, Jerry Fletcher, Harold Welter, Mary Lynn Ritchie, Kirk Bennett, Nathan Marcum, Mike Yankauskas, Superintendent A.J. Gappa

The Knox Community School Board discussed the 2011-2012 school calendar Monday night. The calendar shows that the first day of school for Knox students would be Wednesday, August 10th with the end of the first semester as December 21st. June 1st, 2012 would be commencement. The first and second semesters would equal 90 days apiece. Superintendent, A.J. Gappa, told the Board that the schedule works with the Jesse Cooperative and the vocational programs as well.

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Knox Music and Dance Department Hosts ISSMA Organizational Contest

The Knox Instrumental Music and Dance Department and Knox Community Middle School was host to fifteen middle school bands this past Saturday for the annual Indiana State School Music Association (ISSMA) Junior High, Middle School and Elementary Organizational Contests. The contest is a chance for bands, orchestras or choirs to perform in front of a panel of judges where they can receive a Gold, Silver, Bronze, or Participant rating. Knox Middle School entered their 7th grade band, conducted by Mr. David Elliott, and 8th grade band, conducted by Mr. Craige Phipps into the competition where they both were awarded Gold ratings.

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Starke County Students to See Chicago Shakespeare Theatre’s Macbeth Tuesday

Students from the three Starke County schools will be attending a Shakespearean play tomorrow afternoon at the North Judson-San Pierre High School Auditorium. Thanks to a grant from the Starke County Community Foundation and the Tri Kappa organization, it is possible for actors who star in Shakespearean plays at Navy Pier in Chicago to come to the County to present a classic play for the kids.

“This year they’re doing Macbeth,” said Knox Middle School Principal Steve Cronk. “All the eighth graders from Oregon-Davis, North Judson-San Pierre and Knox, as well as seventh graders from all three schools, as many as we can put in there, will see this presentation from Noon until 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 5th.”

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Knox and North Judson-San Pierre Teams Participate in Starke County Drug Free Double Dare Competition

Members of The Confused team proudly display their winnings after the conclusion of the Starke County Drug Free Double Dare competition

The Starke County Drug Free Double Dare Challenge was held Sunday, at the Knox Middle School. Four teams from Knox and North Judson-San Pierre competed. The High School team, The Confused, from North Judson-San Pierre won the challenge with 310 points. The Orange Dinosaur team from North Judson-San Pierre Middle School came in second, the Blue Man Group from Knox Middle School was third and the 7 Musketeers from Knox Middle School was fourth. They all did a great job in answering questions about drugs and the dangers of drugs. If either team did not know the answer to a question, they participated in a variety of physical challenges. Continue reading

Starke County Drug Free Double Dare Event this Sunday

Knox, North Judson-San Pierre and Oreon-Davis students in grades 6-12 will be competing in the annual Drug Free Double Dare event Sunday, April 3rd at 1:30 p.m. CT at the Knox Middle School.

“Drug Free Double Dare is based on the concept of the Nickelodeon Double Dare,” explained Knox Middle School Guidance Counselor, Chris Ross. “We give it an anti-drug twist. The students received a study guide with information about different types of drugs. On Sunday, the students will then answer questions based on what they’ve studied.”

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