Oregon-Davis Strategic Action Team to Meet Next Monday

The Oregon-Davis School Corporation is looking for individuals interested in helping with updates to the corporation’s strategic plan. Superintendent Dr. Don Harman says the Strategic Action Team will meet next Monday, October 29 at 6:30 p.m. in room 202 in the junior/senior high school. The group will review the strategic plan and suggest possible changes, based on school improvement plans, student achievement, and other information.

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School Improvement Plans Presented to Oregon-Davis School Board

The Oregon-Davis School Board got an update Monday on school improvement plans. Superintendent Dr. Don Harman says the overall goals are pretty similar to what they’ve been in the past. “Obviously, we want to improve our school achievement with Mathematics and Language Arts and obviously address our attendance,” he says. “At the high school level, obviously, we want to address our graduation rate.”

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Matthys Replaces Pletcher as Oregon-Davis High School Principal

Oregon-Davis Junior/Senior High School has a new principal. The school board formally accepted the resignation of Tim Pletcher Monday and appointed Assistant Principal and Athletic Director Chris Matthys to take his place, according to Superintendent Dr. Don Harman. “So Mr. Matthys will now become our new junior/senior high school principal,” Harman explains. “We are in the process of interviewing for a new junior/senior high school assistant principal and athletic director.”

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Oregon-Davis School Board Accepts Donation for FFA and National Honor Society

A couple student organizations at Oregon-Davis Junior/Senior High School got a financial boost this week. Superintendent Dr. Don Harman says the school board accepted a donation from the Oregon-Davis Young Farmers organization. “That donation was $700 to the Oregon-Davis Junior/Senior High School FFA and another $700 to the Oregon-Davis Junior/Senior High School National Honor Society,” Harman says.

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Oregon-Davis School Board Gets Report on this Year’s Jump Start Program


Oregon-Davis Schools continue to see success with their Jump Start program. Superintendent Dr. Don Harman says this was the second year for the Jump Start approach to summer school. “Obviously, academics were a focal point,” he says, “but also, a focal point was just talking about life skills and soft skills and getting students acclimated to getting up and brushing their teeth and coming to school.”

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Oregon-Davis School Board Approves New Parent Teacher Association

The Oregon-Davis School Corporation now has its own Parent Teacher Association. The school board Monday agreed to let Indiana PTA work with community members to set up a group at O-D, according to Superintendent Dr. Don Harman. “The focus of the group will be to create funds and raise funds that we can incorporate back into the classroom to help our student achievement,” Harman explains.

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School Safety Programs Discussed During Oregon-Davis School Board Meeting

The Oregon-Davis School Corporation continues its efforts to step up school safety, with some help from the State of Indiana. Superintendent Dr. Don Harman says the corporation’s two schools will each be getting a handheld metal detector, as part of Governor Eric Holcomb’s program to provide them free of charge to schools around the state.

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Oregon-Davis School Board Approves Lunch Price Increase, Updated Instructional Fees


Lunch prices are going up for Oregon-Davis students. Last week, the school board approved a state-recommended 10-cent increase, according to Superintendent Dr. Don Harman. “Our kindergarten to fifth grade will go from $2.35 to $2.45,” he says. “Six through eighth grade will go from $2.45 to $2.55, and our ninth grade through 12th grade will go from $2.55 to $2.65.”

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Two Oregon-Davis Teachers Take Retirement Incentive

Two Oregon-Davis teachers are accepting the school corporation’s retirement incentive, according to Superintendent Dr. Don Harman. “We had in our master teacher agreement that if a teacher retired and was qualified for this incentive, then the corporation would pay their single insurance until they turn 65,” he explains. “We had two teachers who retired and have qualified for the retirement incentive.”

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