The conditions of the Bass Lake Beach and Campground will continue to be discussed during tonight’s Starke County Park Board meeting. Concerns that the facility’s operator, Callahan Development, LLC, reportedly hasn’t addressed safety issues at the facility have led county officials to look at the possibility of making the repairs themselves. Specifically, the beach house patio was the topic of a heated discussion during last month’s meeting.
Starke County Highway Department Creates Draft Community Crossings Grant Application
Several projects are being considered by the Starke County Highway Department for consideration for INDOT’s Community Crossings grant program.
Starke County Commissioners Approve Purchase of a CAD System
The Starke County Commissioners reviewed a quote from Caliber concerning a new Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system for the Starke County Sheriff’s Department.
Commissioners Discuss Construction of New Building for Recycling Efforts
Local Fire Departments Continue to Report Radio Issues
Open Position on Knox Planning Commission
There is an open seat on the Knox Planning Commission.
Planning Commission members intended to approve an appointment during their meeting Tuesday night but since the individual who was up for approval also serves on the Hospital Board they were unable to fill the open position. Continue reading
Starke County Commissioners Approve Additional Staff for Sheriff’s Department
The Starke County Commissioners discussed a request put forth by Sheriff Bill Dulin Tuesday night concerning additional staff at the Sheriff’s Department.
Starke County Commissioners to Meet Tonight
The Starke County Commissioners will meet tonight
Starke County Commissioners to Negotiate Contract with SCEDF
The Starke County Commissioners will enter into a contract negotiation soon with officials with the Starke County Economic Development Foundation.
Project Recognition Event to be Scheduled at Starke County Forest
The Starke County Commissioners passed along their support of having a celebration event for the newly finished upgrades at the Starke County Forest.
Starke County Commissioners Consider Additional EMS Staff
The Starke County Commissioners discussed the addition of EMS staff last week.
Curbs to be Replaced in Front of Starke County Annex Building No. 2
Work will be done to replace the curbs in front of the Starke County Annex Building No. 2 in Knox.
A few months ago the Starke County Commissioners mentioned to Maintenance Director Jim Coad about the safety concern of the curbs alongside the Pearl Street sidewalk in front of the second annex building. A quote was approved by Covenant Concrete and that work will be done as soon as the contractor’s time allows.
Starke County Council Discusses EMS Reporting Software
The Starke County EMS Department will be getting new reporting software, as the current software is no longer able to keep up with required reporting statistics to the state.
Starke County Council Considers Ambulance Purchase
Starke County Fire Departments Address Radio Problems with Council, Commissioners
Firefighters from Knox-Center Township, North Judson-Wayne Township, Hamlet-Davis Township, Koontz Lake-Oregon Township, Railroad Township, and Washington Township Departments are pleading with county officials to help fix an ongoing communication problem with radios.
Starke County Council, Commissioners to Meet Tonight
The Starke County Council and Starke County Commissioners will meet in a joint session tonight to look over the budget submitted by Sheriff Bill Dulin, required EMS reporting software, and Riverboat money.
Starke County EMS to Update Reporting Software
The reporting software for the Starke County EMS Department is getting an upgrade.
Starke County Commissioners Approve Purchase for Backup Infrastructure
Starke County IT Director Richard Franks presented the county commissioners last week with information to purchase a new computer backup system.
Starke County Commissioners Approve Hamlet Paving Quote
The Starke County Highway Department presented to the county commissioners last week a quote for paving projects for the Town of Hamlet.
Starke County Highway Department Working on Community Crossings Application
Starke County Highway Superintendent Rik Ritzler has several projects on tap to include in the first round of INDOT’s Community Crossings grant application.