Voter registration clerks in Starke and Pulaski Counties are busy collecting absentee ballots for the November General Election.
Work to Clean up Property Continues in Knox
The Knox Board of Works members were updated on a piece of property that Building Administrator Kenny Pfost cited as needed to be cleared of excessive junk.
Culver Town Council Members Informed about Upcoming Budget Requests
Culver Clerk-Treasurer Karen Heim notified the town council members this week that several additional appropriations will be before them for approval in November.
Culver Town Council Updated on Unsafe Structures
The Culver Town Council members were updated on the status of unsafe structures in town.
Crews Working on Knox City Street Design
Crews are working on the Knox downtown street design.
Enforcement Action Taken on 8 S. Main Street in Knox
The Knox Board of Public Works members were made aware of another unsafe structure in downtown Knox.
Culver Town Council Considers Additional Reading on Candidate Selection Ordinance
The Culver Town Council members considered the third reading of an ordinance that would move the town council and clerk-treasurer selection to the May Primary Election. From there, the candidates would move to the November General Election ballot.
Culver Town Council Receives Update on Mold Remediation at the Culver Library
The Culver Town Council members heard from Jason Ganser from ACM Engineering and Environmental Services on efforts being made to eradicate a mold issue at the Culver-Union Township Public Library.
Knox Board of Works to Meet Today
The Knox Board of Works members will meet today where they will discuss an unsafe building at 8 S. Main Street.
Medaryville Town Council Considers Amendment to Noise Ordinance
The Medaryville Town Council members are considering an amendment to the recently adopted noise ordinance.
Culver Town Council to Meet Tonight
The Culver Town Council will meet tonight where they will get an update on the mold remediation issue at the Culver-Union Township Public Library. Library officials previously released information that mold growth was found in several areas of the basement including the computer lab, large meeting room and foyer area. That area was closed to the public in order to diffuse the mold issue. Eradication efforts took place immediately upon notification.
Medaryville Town Council Disputes Claim
The Medaryville Town Council members denied a claim this month, saying it’s not theirs to pay.
Francesville Town Council Adopts Budget
The Francesville Town Council adopted the town’s 2019 budget earlier this month.
Medaryville Town Council Looking to Overhaul Unsafe Building Ordinance
The Medaryville Town Council members will be reviewing the unsafe building ordinance to include possible amendments.
According to Clerk-Treasurer Judy Harwood, the council members are interested in having their own building inspector. Continue reading
Francesville Town Council to Review Golf Cart Ordinance
The Francesville Town Council is looking to amend its golf cart ordinance.
Candidate Financial Reports Due Today
All candidates running in the November General Election are required to have campaign finance reports into the clerk’s office today by noon, local time.
Starke County Court Services to Host Fall-o-Ween Event for Home Detention Participants
Starke County Court Services representatives will host a Fall-o-Ween Family Fun Fest event today for those participating in home detention supervision. Activities, food and prizes will be given to participants and their family members during the festivities at Wythogan Park in Knox.
McDonald’s to Award Grants during Grand Re-Opening Celebration
Winamac McDonald’s Owner Bill Boldt is partnering with the Winamac High School on Friday, Oct. 19 to award the inaugural Make Activities Count grant. The event is in conjunction with the Grand Re-Opening and ribbon cutting celebration at the McDonald’s restaurant in Winamac which will now feature in-restaurant technology.
Culver-Union Township Fire Department Inching Closer to Fundraising Goal
The Culver-Union Township Fire Department is getting closer to their goal of raising enough money to purchase an aerial fire truck.
Starke County Council Discusses Additional Appropriation Resolution
The Starke County Council members discussed an additional appropriation resolution Monday night.