Knox Street Department Uses 70 Ton of Road Salt

The Knox Street Department has gone through a lot of its salt supply to help clear roads this winter.

According Street Superintendent Jeff Borg, the city has experienced 12 snow events that have amounted to 26 inches of snow. That statistic is from Dec. 9, 2017 to today. As a result, 70 tons of the 100 tons of road salt was used to help clear roads as contracted from the State of Indiana cooperative. The city can purchase up to 120 tons as part of the agreement.

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Knox Street Department to Complete Four Projects with Community Crossings Grant Funds

The City of Knox was recently awarded $455,559.61 in Community Crossings grant funds. Street Superintendent Jeff Borg told the Knox Board of Public Works members on Wednesday morning that the city’s match is $151,853.17 which will complete four priority projects.

INDOT funds 75 percent of the projects to help with the purchase of materials for the projects. It is the goal of INDOT to help build and improve Indiana’s infrastructure.

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Knox Board of Public Works to Meet Today

The Knox Board of Public Works will meet this morning where the members will receive information on the cleanup or renovation efforts at 301 N. Shield Street and 6 N. Pearl Street.

The board heard from Lucia Valladares during their last meeting in August where she discussed the progress on renovation efforts on the home at 6 N. Pearl Street. She said she would be hiring a business to help with the demolition portion of the proposed project. She plans on focusing on the exterior part of the building this year. Her plan is to demolish two side additions and the back porch, reinforce the foundation, put up siding, replace the roof and construct a new addition. She anticipates the exterior work to be complete by winter.

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Knox Officials Tackling Growing Vegetation

It’s been a rainy summer season which has created a problem of tall grass and weeds within the Knox city limits.

Director of Building, Planning and Code Enforcement Kenny Pfost told the Knox Board of Public Works this week that he’s sent out 14 enforcement infractions due to tall grass and weeds. He said a lot of property owners have complied but it’s been an issue this summer.

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Knox Street Department Ready for Next Winter Storm

 The salt shed is full, and the Knox City Street Department is ready for the next snow event.

Street Superintendent Jeff Borg told the Board of Public Works members on Wednesday that they had used 80 percent of their contract for salt. Since January, 32 inches of movable snow has been recorded by the street superintendent. He said the department should be good for the rest of the season, and all equipment has been maintained and updated.

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Quotes Approved for New Street Department Truck


The Knox Board of Public Works met Monday morning where quotes were opened for a cab and chassis plus equipment for a truck for the street department.

The board members approved the lowest quote for the cab and chassis for a 2016 International from Wiers International for $64,143.75 and an equipment quote from Lindco Equipment for $54,665 that includes hydraulics, salt spreader, plow, electrical, dump body, and hoist system. The quotes will be reviewed by Street Superintendent Jeff Borg and City Attorney David Matsey.

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Road Salt Prices are Saltier this Year

 Knox Street Department Superintendent Jeff Borg told the Board of Public Works members recently that the price of road salt went up about 50 percent this year.

Borg said the city gets 150 ton of salt and it will cost the city $73.32 a ton in an annual agreement with the state co-op. Last year, the price of road salt was $48.84 and the cost was $7,300. This year the city will be paying $11,000.

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Concrete Bid Approved for 50/50 Sidewalk Program in Knox


The Knox Board of Public Works members approved a bid for the 50/50 sidewalk program in a special meeting on Thursday morning.

The board approved the lowest conforming bid from Covenant Concrete in the amount of $22,395. That includes all 12 properties and the ADA compliant accessible curbs for properties at 55 E. Lake Street, 53 E. Water Street and 707 S. Shield Street. The city is responsible for paying for the ADA accessible curbs.

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Knox Board of Public Works Opens Sidewalk Bids


The Knox Board of Public Works opened bids Thursday for the 50/50 sidewalk program.

There was no quorum, but the bids will be taken under advisement and awarded at a special meeting on May 15.

Two bids were submitted by Pete Kuchel Concrete and Covenant Concrete. The residences that were submitted for bid include 104 S. Pearl St., 703 S. Pearl St., 307 S. Main St., 604 S. Main Street, 703 Delamatyr, 705 E. Washington St., 707 S. Shield St., 102 Water Street, 402 S. Pearl St., 356 E. Mound, 55 Lake Street and 53 E. Water Street.

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Knox Street Department Superintendent Updates Board of Public Works

 The Knox Board of Public Works received an update on how things are moving along in the street department.

Street Superintendent Jeff Borg said the traffic light seized again at the intersection of Culver Road and Main Street by the Knox Middle School. The light is obsolete and Borg said it’s getting harder and harder to find parts to repair it. At one time, they got all of the parts they could from the South Bend department as they were going to throw them away. Most of their lights are upgraded.

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Knox Lift Station Update, Street Department Projects Move Forward

Knox Board of Public Works
Knox Board of Public Works
Knox Street Superintendent Jeff Borg gave an update on projects to the Board of Public Works members this week.

He said workers are doing roadside tree trimming and crack sealing while the weather is still good. Only 30 dump truck loads of brush were collected this month compared to 54 last month. He added that fall leaf pickup will be starting soon.

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