Winamac Cemetery A Topic of Concern At Town Council Meeting

A Winamac resident came before the town council this week to discuss the state of the town cemetery. At Monday’s Town Council meeting, long-time resident Al Breyfogle shared a story about his son’s cemetery plot.

He explained that his son passed away in October last year and was buried in the Winamac Cemetery. Breyfogle explained that he was notified when the headstone came in and when he went to take a look at it, he was dismayed to find that the cemetery was not mowed. Continue reading

Winamac Town Council Approves Quote for Electrical Rebuild Project to the East of Town

Winamac Town Council members were informed about quotes that received for an electrical rebuild project to the east of town when they met Monday night.

Electric Department Superintendent Doug Shorter explained that the rebuild is needed to help power the new wells. He said the upgrades will entail installing new poles and running some wire.

Town Manager Brad Zellers told the council members that three quotes were submitted for the project and they ranged from $75,000 to about $275,000. Continue reading

Winamac Park Board Considers Potential Art Project at the Park

Entrance to the Winamac Town Park

Winamac Park Board members considered a request for a potential art project at the park when they met on Thursday.

Park Board member Brad Zellers said that a woman came into the Town Manager’s office, asking if a group of students would be permitted to paint the animal spring-riders at the park.

The board members immediately mentioned that those rides will be taken out when the park improvements are tackled in the future. Continue reading

Winamac Town Council Approves Plan Commission Appointment

Winamac Town Council members approved an appointment to the Plan Commission when they met this week.

Town officials have been seeking someone to fill the open Democrat seat on the Plan Commission for several months. When town council members met Monday night, Town Manager Brad Zellers shared that someone recently expressed an interest in filling the open position. Continue reading

Winamac Town Manager Delivers Fireworks Update to Council Members

Winamac Town Manager Brad Zellers assured council members on Monday that the money for this year’s fireworks display has been raised and the location has been set.

He explained that the $5,500 for the contract charge with the fireworks company was raised. He added that the display will be held on the school grounds, to the southeast of the football field near the baseball diamond. Continue reading

Winamac Departments Commended for Addressing Citizen Concerns

Some of the efforts that various Winamac departments have put forth recently to address certain citizen concerns were acknowledged during Monday night’s Town Council meeting.

Earlier this month, Park Board President Courtney Poor called attention to the fact that the parking lot at the Winamac Wellness Center was in need of repairs. He came before the town council this week to express his gratitude for how quickly the matter was addressed. Continue reading

Winamac Town Council Approved Truck Purchase for Water Department

The Winamac Water Department will be getting a new truck after town council members approved one of the quotes presented to them during their Monday evening meeting.

Water Department Superintendent Jeremy Beckner presented the quotes. Council President Tom Murray asked for the year of the current vehicle and Beckner answered that it is a 2005. Town Manager Brad Zellers mentioned that it is in the department’s 5-year plan to replace the truck this year. Continue reading

Donations Still Needed for Winamac Fireworks Display, Location Change Discussed

Donations are still be collected for the Winamac Fireworks Display, as officials are still more than $2,800 away from their goal with the June deadline approaching.

Additionally, officials with the Town of Winamac are reassessing fireworks display plans, after the distributor alerted Town Manager Brad Zellers that the park will not be an acceptable location. Continue reading

Winamac Town Council Opens Bids for Community Crossings Grant Projects

Paving bids for Community Crossings Grant projects were opened during last week’s Winamac Town Council meeting. Members opened bids from the companies Walsh and Kelly, E&B Paving, Central Paving and Reith Riley when they met last Monday.

E&B Paving’s bid was the highest with a $146,865 total bid. Reith Riley’s provided the next highest with a total bid of about $159,239. Walsh and Kelly submitted the second lowest total bid at $139.993 and Central Paving’s total bid was the least expensive at about $121,537. All total bids included the company’s base bid plus an alternative bid. Continue reading

Winamac Town Council Considers Moving Fireworks Display Due to Debris Concerns

The location for the Town of Winamac’s fireworks display was discussed during Monday night’s town council meeting. Town Manager Brad Zellers explained that last year when the event was held at the school, there was an issue with the wind blowing debris onto cars at a neighboring dealership.

Town Council President Tom Murray added that since the school corporation will be conducting paving work this summer, they should have an alternate site planned anyway. He suggested moving the event back over to the big baseball diamond at the town park. Continue reading

Winamac Town Council Meets Tonight

Winamac Town Council members will discuss paving bids when they meet tonight at 6 p.m. ET

When Clerk-Treasurer Melanie Berger delivers her report to the council, she will go over the employee handbook ordinance, the Winamac Economic Development Commission Fund and the 2020 Election. She will also discuss the Indiana League of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers conference. Continue reading

Winamac Town Council Approves Quote for Renovation Work Needed at the Utilities Complex

On Monday, Winamac Town Manager Brad Zellers informed town council members of some renovation work that must be done at the Utilities Complex.

The electric department is now utilizing the space in that building that used to be the police station. So far they’ve done some in-house work such as painting, organizing and taking care of smaller details.

Zellers explained that there are some issues with the garage on the east side of the building that will require them to seek outside assistance. Continue reading

Winamac Town Manager to Look into Property Request More Before Making Recommendation

Winamac Town Manager Brad Zellers plans to look into a particular property request a little more before bringing any definitive recommendations before town council members.

Back in December, property owner Jason Potthoff requested sectioning off a portion of a road that carries onto his property. Potthoff explained that he owns the old Co-Op building at the end of Franklin Street. Continue reading