The Culver Town Council members considered the purchase of a truck for the sewer department last week.
Continue readingCulver Town Council to Review Private Fire Protection Fees
The Culver Town Council members will review private fire protection fees in a work session next week.
Continue readingCulver Town Council Reviews Ordinance Concerning Fire Service Fees
The Culver Town Council members reviewed a proposed ordinance last week that would create a fee schedule for clean-up of hazardous materials by the Culver-Union Township Fire Department.
Continue readingCulver Stellar Projects Moving Along
The Culver Beach Lodge project is expected to be substantially complete by the beginning of March.
Continue readingCulver Town Council to Sign Opposition Letters to Legislators Concerning Two House Bills
There are two bills in the House of Representatives that have the watchful eye of the Culver Town Council members.
Continue readingCulver Town Council Awaits East Shore Corporation Contract
The Culver Town Council members will wait until their next meeting to act on a proposed contract between the town and the East Shore Corporation for a sewer contract in anticipation of an initiation of a Conservancy District.
A special meeting was scheduled for Thursday, but Town Attorney Jim Clevenger said he hadn’t seen a contract as of last night’s meeting so it may be best to meet with the subcommittee prior to the Feb. 11 meeting to finalize the details before it is presented to the town council for adoption. It also gives the council members a chance to read through the entire contract prior to taking action.
Corporation officials are looking to hook a Conservancy District to the town’s Wastewater Treatment Facility system to treat the waste from the estimated 100 homes in the area. A wetland disbursement system utilized by those residents failed last year.
A current contract allows waste to be hauled to the town for treatment. To date, about $146,000 has been paid to the Town of Culver for a pump-and-haul contract. It is the hope of the members to get the sewer system up and running in May, which begins the tourism season in Culver, so there aren’t additional expenses for pump-and-haul services through the summer.
Culver Town Council to Meet Tonight, Special Meeting Set for Thursday
The Culver Town Council members will meet tonight where they will review an ordiance that would outline charges for fire services.
Continue readingCulver Town Council to Review Quotes for Security Cameras in the Park
The Culver Town Council members will soon review quotes for security cameras for the Culver Town Park.
Continue readingCulver Town Council Members Vote to Amend Special Events Permit
The special event permit for the Town of Culver will change slightly.
Continue readingCulver Town Council Members Revisits Request to Pay Unused Officer Vacation, Personal Time
The Culver Town Council members revisited a request made by Police Chief Wayne Bean concerning paying out unused officer vacation, holiday or personal time in 2019.
Continue readingNo Further Appeals Filed in City Tavern Case in Culver
No other court paperwork has been filed in the unsafe building case involving the Town of Culver and Scotty Van Hawk and the 27 Group, owner of the former City Tavern building.
Continue readingCulver Town Council Discusses Waste Hauling Rate for East Shore Corporation
The Culver Town Council members held more discussion on a request to reduce the pump-and-haul rate paid by the East Shore Corporation to treat waste at the Culver Wastewater Treatment Facility.
Continue readingCulver Town Council to Meet Tonight
The Culver Town Council members will meet tonight where they will further discuss a request made by the East Shore Corporation to lower the amount the corporation is paying to treat waste from the failed wetland disbursement site in the Culver Wastewater Treatment Facility.
Continue readingCulver Town Council Holds Work Session Concerning Traffic Ordinance Amendment Request
The Culver Town Council members held a public hearing last week concerning a request to amend a traffic ordinance that regulates traffic around the Culver Schools during student drop-off and pick-up times.
Max’s Playhouse owner Brandy Pohl purchased two residences at 454 North School Street and 450 North School Street for day care services. The homes are on the east side of the street, opposite of the school corporation. She asked the town council members to amend the traffic ordinance to allow two-way traffic on School Street during pick-up and drop-off times so it accommodates her clientele by not having students cross the street. The current ordinance restricts cars from going north from Lake Shore Drive to College Avenue during the time periods of 7:45 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. and from 2:45 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.
If the ordinance is not amended then she said at the time that she would need to install a parking lot, to which the surrounding homeowners are opposed.
In a work session held last week, Pohl updated the council to say that the Board of Zoning appeals denied a parking lot at 454 School Street, but said she could put in a driveway with three parking spots and a turn-around.
Culver Community School Superintendent Karen Shuman commented that the number one priority is student safety and that one-way directional traffic is best in that area. Culver Police Chief Wayne Bean also stressed safety and that one-way traffic on School Street during student drop-off and pick-up should stay intact.
Pohl argued that elementary school students can simply be let off at the school while parents at her preschool have younger children that need to be taken into the facility and they need to give instructions to update the staff on the status of toddlers and infants.
In the end, the option of making School Street a two-way street during school drop-off and pick-up was not feasible. A driveway was found to be the best option, and an update will be provided in a future meeting.
Culver Town Council Reviews Encumbrances
The Culver Town Council members considered a request to encumber funds from the 2019 budget to the 2020 budget for the purchase of items for the Culver Police Department and the Culver-Union Township Fire Department.
Continue readingCulver Stellar Communities Projects Continue
Culver Town Manager Jonathan Leist gave the town council members an update on the projects within Culver’s Stellar Communities Designation plan.
Continue readingCulver Town Council Considers Utility Write-offs
Culver Clerk-Treasurer Karen Heim asked the town council members last week to approve several utility write-offs.
Continue readingCulver Town Council Tables Rate Change Requested by East Shore Corporation
A request to reduce the pump-and-haul rate the East Shore Corporation is paying the Town of Culver was tabled Monday night.
Continue readingNew Culver-Union Township EMS, Fire Chief Named
The Culver Town Council members took action Monday night to appoint a new Culver Union-Township EMS Director. Current EMS Director Kathy Hart had previously announced her retirement and a committee has been working to find her replacement prior to her departure in January. The committee recommended Deanna Cleveland who gathered unanimous council approval to fill the EMS Director position. She will begin in the position in mid-January.
Continue readingCulver Town Council to Meet Tonight
The Culver Town Council members will meet tonight where they will take action on several year-end business items.
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