Winamac Town Council Approves Quote for Electrical Rebuild Project to the East of Town

Winamac Town Council members were informed about quotes that received for an electrical rebuild project to the east of town when they met Monday night.

Electric Department Superintendent Doug Shorter explained that the rebuild is needed to help power the new wells. He said the upgrades will entail installing new poles and running some wire.

Town Manager Brad Zellers told the council members that three quotes were submitted for the project and they ranged from $75,000 to about $275,000. Continue reading

Winamac Town Council Asked to Consider Amending Golf Cart Ordinance

A Winamac resident came before the Town Council Monday night, to request an amendment to the Town’s golf cart ordinance.

Tony Calabrese mentioned that Pulaski County’s ordinance allows utility vehicles on the roads for business use. He asked the council members if they would consider making a change to the Town’s existing ordinance to allow for the use of UTVs. Continue reading

Winamac Town Marshall Mark Hoffman Addresses Recent Projects at the Department

Winamac Town Marshal Mark Hoffman has been quite busy since he took over for Mike Buchanan, whose retirement officially went into effect on July 1st.

Hoffman has been shadowing Buchanan over the last few months since his retirement was announced in February. Marshal Hoffman told town council members on Monday that there were a few projects that he wanted to get taken care of that have been completed. Continue reading

Public Nuisance Ordinance Adopted for the Town of Winamac

Winamac Town Council members considered an ordinance to regulate public nuisances on private property when they met Monday night.

Members reviewed the ordinance which states that in the interests of protecting public safety, health and welfare as well as for the purpose of enhancing the environment for residents of the town, property owners and occupants are prohibited from allowing an environmental public nuisance to exist.

It lays out relevant definitions utilized throughout the document and sets regulations related to vegetation, grass height, yard debris, refuse and drainage and stormwater management. Continue reading

Winamac Town Council Approves Plan Commission Appointment

Winamac Town Council members approved an appointment to the Plan Commission when they met this week.

Town officials have been seeking someone to fill the open Democrat seat on the Plan Commission for several months. When town council members met Monday night, Town Manager Brad Zellers shared that someone recently expressed an interest in filling the open position. Continue reading

Winamac Town Manager Delivers Fireworks Update to Council Members

Winamac Town Manager Brad Zellers assured council members on Monday that the money for this year’s fireworks display has been raised and the location has been set.

He explained that the $5,500 for the contract charge with the fireworks company was raised. He added that the display will be held on the school grounds, to the southeast of the football field near the baseball diamond. Continue reading

Request to Vacate Alley in Winamac Moves onto Next Phase

An alley in the town of Winamac will be vacated in the near future following a decision made by town council members Wednesday.

Town Manager Brad Zellers provided the council with an update about the request, which was initially submitted on behalf of Frain LLC and neighboring property owners Deborah Worrell and Mike and Peggy Vasa at the last town council meeting in May. Continue reading

Ordinance to Regulate Public Nuisances on Private Property Addressed at Winamac Town Council Meeting

The ordinance book for the Town of Winamac has been updated and council members considered a quote for the upgrades submitted by the company American Legal Publishing during their meeting on Monday.

Clerk-Treasurer Melanie Berger said the company updated the book to include ordinances spanning from July 16th, 2016 through December 31st, 2017. The quote provided by American Legal was for $1,985. Members voted unanimously to approve the quote.

Additionally, Winamac’s Town Council members are anticipated to consider an ordinance pertaining to public nuisances on private property in the near future. Continue reading

Winamac Town Council Considers Adding More Reserve Officers to Police Force

First Sergeant Mark Hoffman with the Winamac Police Department submitted a request to add more officers to the Reserve Program during last Monday’s town council meeting.

Sergeant Hoffman explained that a few people who work for the Police Department are looking to switch positions.

“We recently had three jailers express interest in being reserves.” Hoffman went on, “I would like the board’s permission to move forward with them. It will cost the town $100 per person for insurance and probably another $100 [each] to get them outfitted.” Continue reading

Winamac Departments Commended for Addressing Citizen Concerns

Some of the efforts that various Winamac departments have put forth recently to address certain citizen concerns were acknowledged during Monday night’s Town Council meeting.

Earlier this month, Park Board President Courtney Poor called attention to the fact that the parking lot at the Winamac Wellness Center was in need of repairs. He came before the town council this week to express his gratitude for how quickly the matter was addressed. Continue reading

Winamac Town Council Approved Truck Purchase for Water Department

The Winamac Water Department will be getting a new truck after town council members approved one of the quotes presented to them during their Monday evening meeting.

Water Department Superintendent Jeremy Beckner presented the quotes. Council President Tom Murray asked for the year of the current vehicle and Beckner answered that it is a 2005. Town Manager Brad Zellers mentioned that it is in the department’s 5-year plan to replace the truck this year. Continue reading

Winamac Town Council Acknowledges Generous Donation from Mooi Family

Winamac town officials expressed gratitude toward the Mooi family when members met Monday night.

Clerk-Treasurer Melanie Berger explained that two departments will soon receive some funds as the result of a generous posthumous donation from a local couple who passed away last year.

Berger told members, “The Winamac Volunteer Fire Department, along with the Winamac Police Department, they were beneficiaries to the Henry Mooi and Alice Mooi revocable trust.” Continue reading