Knox Board of Works members considered bids for the 2018 sewer lining project when they met Wednesday morning. Continue reading
Knox Board of Works Meets Today
The Knox Board of Works members will open bids for 2018 sewer lining and a sewer extension at J.W. Hicks, Inc. when they meet today.
Members will also receive updates on the properties at 1 and 3 N. Main Street and 6 N. Pearl Street. Property owner Melvin Zeiters will also be present to give the board a progress report on some properties that he has been cited for recently. Continue reading
Knox Clerk-Treasurer Free to Begin Budget Process After City Council Approves Fund Transfer
Knox City Council members had to move a little money around before the budget season begins.
When members met at the end of May, Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston explained that the budget process will begin in June. He noted that all accounts need to be in black and alerted them that there were only two funds that needed attention before he could proceed. Continue reading
Knox Landlord Addresses Code Enforcement Issues with Board of Works Members
The Knox Board of Works members addressed several code enforcement issues at 201 and 102 S. Heaton Street.
Knox Board of Works Members Get Update on Unsafe Properties
The Knox Board of Works members decided to extend a construction permit for four months in order for renovation work at 6 N. Pearl Street to continue. The permit expired on May 22.
Knox Community Crossings Projects Complete, Sewer Extension Project Nears Completion
The four projects for this year’s Community Crossings projects in Knox are complete.
Knox City Police Department Looking for Officers
Applications are available for a Knox City Police officer position.
Knox Property Owner Discusses Code Enforcement Violations
Melvin Zeiters appeared before the Knox Board of Works Wednesday morning to discuss several code enforcement violations.
Knox Board of Works to Meet Today
The Knox Board of Works will meet today to discuss several code enforcement issues and get an update on blighted structures.
Knox BOW Receives Update on Distressed Structure at 6 N. Pearl Street
At the request of Knox Board of Public Works members, the owner of a distressed property at 6 North Pearl Street presented a project update at their meeting last Wednesday.
She informed the members that the work that was once been stalled is back on track and that the contractor is now on site. However, she added that he began work a week behind the scheduled start date, so they’re in the process of playing “catch-up” at the moment. Continue reading
Fire Truck Bid Opened at Knox BOW Meeting Comes in about $20,660 Less Than Anticipated
Knox Board of Works members approved a bid from the fire apparatus manufacturer Toyne, Inc when they met Wednesday morning.
Toyne was the only company to submit a bid on time and their proposal listed a cost of $579,334.71 for an available pumper truck. The bid came in about $20,665 less than the expected price of $600,000. Continue reading
Knox Board of Public Works to Meet Today
Fire truck bids will be opened during this morning’s Knox Board of Public Works meeting.
In addition to receiving updates about a property at 6 North Pearl Street and two properties on Main Street, members will also consider a request for reserve officers. The superintendent’s report will be delivered and any additional business deemed necessary by the board will be discussed. Continue reading
Knox Board of Works Members Approve Bid for Pearl Street Blight Elimination
The blighted structure at 202 N Pearl Street in Knox is one step closer to being eliminated. Knox Board of Works members approved a demolition bid from Jackson Trucking and Excavating when they met in special session Monday morning.
Initially, members opened bids in February, but due to some confusion over bid specifications, members voted to re-bid for the project with requirements more clearly specified. This time only one bid was received from Harvey Jackson with Jackson Trucking and Excavating for a total of $10,000 for demolition and asbestos testing. Continue reading
Updates Given on Unsafe Properties
The Knox Board of Works members got an update on the renovation efforts on two identified unsafe structures.
Knox Planning Administrator and Director of Building and Code Compliance Kenny Pfost said Lucia Valladares hasn’t gotten any work done for a couple of months. She told Pfost that she hopes to resume efforts in March. The construction permit expires May 22. The board approved a motion to request for her to appear at the next meeting on Wednesday, March 28. She also owns property on Bender Street that needs renovation work.
Knox Board of Works Members Consider Bids for Blighted Structure on Pearl Street
Some confusion over bid specifications led to drastically different offers being opened at the Knox Board of Works meeting on Monday.
The bids were for demolition work on the blighted structure at 202 N. Pearl Street.
The first bid that was opened came in from Jackson Truck and Excavating and it was for $33,900. The second bid was from Mark Milo Enterprises for $14,900. The reason for the difference was that Jackson included the price for asbestos removal, while Milo did not. Continue reading
Knox Board of Works Members to Fill Open Police Position
The Knox Board of Works members will be interviewing three candidates to fill an open position on the Knox City Police Department’s roster.
Police Chief Harold Smith said 31 applications were initially requested and nine came back to the department. Those applicants went through knowledge and agility testing. Smith will be conducting background checks and other paperwork on three of the applicants and they will be interviewed by the Knox Board of Works members by the end of January.
Knox Board of Works Members Consider New Vehicle Purchase
The Knox Board of Works members considered requests for new vehicles during their meeting on Wednesday.
Water Superintendent Todd Gardner explained that he is looking to purchase a new service truck. He said he is about 10 years behind in getting a new truck as funds weren’t available. He wants to replace a 1989 truck that no longer runs efficiently. He obtained three quotes for a service truck with a service truck from Schepel in Merrillville, Bill Estes in Indianapolis and Gates in South Bend. Schepel gave him the lowest quote at $40,640 for a ¾-ton GMC truck with a service body. Tool boxes may be added that could cost approximately $1,000 extra.
Knox Board of Works Gets Update on Downtown Building Repairs
The Knox Board of Works members got an update on repairs being made to 1 and 3 N. Main Street in downtown Knox.
Knox Planning Administrator and Director of Building and Code Compliance Kenny Pfost told the board members that a timeline was provided for repairs. Building Owner Pete Milev was given until May 2018 to complete extensive repairs to the exterior masonry and interior violations. Pfost said he mailed the timeline to Milev by certified mail on Dec. 12, but it has not been returned with a signature.
Knox Board of Works Considers AVL Equipment Agreement
The Knox Board of Works members considered an agreement with WTH Engineering to provide AVL service to the Knox City Police Department.
Knox Downtown Business Owner to Make Repairs to Building
The owner of two storefronts in downtown Knox will be making repairs to the building, as ordered by the members of the Knox Board of Public Works.
A public hearing on the matter was held on Wednesday morning as the owner, Pete Milev, has failed to repair any of the issues cited by Knox Planning Administrator and Director of Building and Code Compliance Kenny Pfost. Pfost said the buildings at 1 and 3 N. Main Street have several major issues including brick falling out of the exterior walls, missing mortar in other exterior bricks, an unsafe door leading to the basement of the building in the sidewalk, boarded up windows, an old sign that needs removed, drywall that is replacing two windows above the front door, and many interior code violations. Continue reading